python completes a specific rightward movement of strings

  • 2021-06-28 09:24:23
  • OfStack

#Completes a specific rightward movement of elements in a string, parameters: string, length of movement such as abcdef, move 2, result: efabcd

#Original method, basic idea: the end element moves to the beginning, the other elements move backwards in turn. The code is as follows:

def move(lt, n):
  lt = list(lt)        # Convert Strings to Lists 
  for i in range(n % len(lt)):# Determine how many times to move , For example, when moving from the same length to the same length as the list , There's no need to move 
    t = lt[len(lt) - 1]   # Remove the end element 
    for j in reversed(range(len(lt) - 1)): # Traverse the list of elements except the end in reverse order 
      lt[j + 1] = lt[j]         # Before 1 After assigning values to 1 Elements 
    lt[0] = t               # Assign the value of the previously fetched end element to the top of the list 
  return "".join(lt)             # Split lists into strings , And back 

These methods are based on the C language and do not reflect the benefits of python. Here are a few ways to reflect the benefits of Python

 def move(lt, n):
  lt = list(lt) # Convert Strings to Lists 
  for i in range(n % len(lt)):  # Determine how many moves to make 
    lt.insert(0, lt.pop())   # From a list pop Method takes out the end element , In Pass insert Function inserts the removed element at the top of the list 
  return "".join(lt) 
 def move(lt, n):
  for i in range(n % len(lt)): # Determine how many moves to make 
    lt = lt[-1] + lt[0:-1]  # Slice through a string , Excision last 1 Elements , Then add from the beginning to the last 2 Elements 
  return lt

These two methods can reflect the simplicity of the Python language, but as a programmer, the C language is fundamental. The first method is written in the python language using the ideas of the C language.

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