Using python to achieve http and ftp services for data transmission methods

  • 2021-01-06 00:40:06
  • OfStack

http data transfer between servers

Use http services built into python directly:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

At this time, the directory of the input instruction has already enabled http service. 8000 is the port (if not specified, the default is 8000). If we need to fetch files from this directory on other machines, we only need to run it on the target machine:

wget :port/ filename

Speed lever.

Open ftp to upload files

Install the third side component of python for ftp

pip install pyftpdlib

Write startup scripts

from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer
from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler
from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer
import os

def main():
 # Instantiate a dummy authorizer for managing 'virtual' users
 authorizer = DummyAuthorizer()

 # Define a new user having full r/w permissions and a read-only
 # anonymous user
 authorizer.add_user('user', '12345', '.', perm='elradfmwM')

 # Instantiate FTP handler class
 handler = FTPHandler
 handler.authorizer = authorizer

 # Define a customized banner (string returned when client connects)
 handler.banner = "pyftpdlib based ftpd ready."

 # Specify a masquerade address and the range of ports to use for
 # passive connections. Decomment in case you're behind a NAT.
 #handler.masquerade_address = ''
 #handler.passive_ports = range(60000, 65535)

 # Instantiate FTP server class and listen on
 address = ('', 8888)
 server = FTPServer(address, handler)

 # set a limit for connections
 server.max_cons = 256
 server.max_cons_per_ip = 5

 # start ftp server

if __name__ == '__main__':

8888 is the port number I set, user is the user name, and 12345 is the password I specified. At this time, we need to run the script, we can use the ftp tool, connect to the ftp server, and upload the file.

If we do not use our own script, but directly use the built-in script:

python -m pyftpdlib -p 8888

At this time, connect to the ftp server, using the default user: anonymous, but when we upload the file, we will find that the user does not have upload permission, so it is recommended to write your own running script.

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