Drill down to flask's asynchronous non blocking implementation code example

  • 2020-11-26 18:50:49
  • OfStack

In fact, the official has given the plan, but it is a little hidden, in addition to the Internet there are a lot of unreliable posts misled me (of course, I do not exclude the reason that I did not understand). So to keep some of your friends from taking detours, keep a memo for yourself.

Complete code: https: / / github com wskssau/my_notespace python/todo_app

Solution: flask+gevent

Install gevent

pip install gevent

Modify the code

#  The file header 
from gevent import monkey
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer

#  In the play websockets Can ignore the ha, free post next flask websockets To achieve the 
from geventwebsocket.handler import WebSocketHandler

import time

 # gevent Monkey magic 

app = Flask(__name__)


@app.route('/asyn/1/', methods=['GET'])
def test_asyn_one():
 if request.method == 'GET':
  return 'hello asyn'

@app.route('/test/', methods=['GET'])
def test():
 return 'hello test'

if __name__ == "__main__":
 # app.run()
 http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app, handler_class=WebSocketHandler)

After running, /asyn/1/ can be accessed first and then /test/, and it is obvious that /asyn/1/ will not affect other requests while doing time-consuming tasks

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