python writes and gets an instance of the clipboard content

  • 2020-10-31 21:51:31
  • OfStack

Writing desktop programs or special operations often requires access to the clipboard. python has dedicated modules that make it easy and simple to operate the shears

As follows:

import win32clipboard as w
import win32con
# Gets the clipboard contents 
def gettext():
 t = w.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT)
 return t
# Writes the clipboard contents 
def settext(aString):
 w.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT, aString)
a = "hello python"
print gettext()

The above small program will print the hello python character when run.

You can try to unwrite the clipboard code, then use Ctrl+c to copy 1 character, and then run the program.

Or log out to get the clipboard code, run the program and then use Ctrl+v to paste.

You can see the results more intuitively

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