python gets the string MD5 value method

  • 2020-10-23 21:04:17
  • OfStack

Work involving MD5 values to check on the document, MD5 itself is an excellent algorithm, 1 set extent to solve the conflicts of the hash hash online also has a lot of content about the MD5, here as long as it is in one experiment, verify the validation work under 1 file, because accustomed to using the python to accomplish this task, it is also used python, learned python itself bring hashlib module, the module contains the required MD5 method, python, of course, also have special MD5 module can be used and used correctly of the same, but personal hashlib module is better in 1, today use python os, commands hashlib3 module to the experiment, among them, the first two modules mainly to can perform Linux shell in python script command, in order to verify the same below 1 file and file content if I can get the same MD5 value with hashlib module MD5 methods, Well, not to mention, the following is the procedure, a very simple verification, there are detailed comments inside the explanation is not much:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 Function: Verify file MD5 value 
import hashlib, binascii
import md5
import os
import commands

# use python built-in hashlib library 
def get_md5_value(str):
 my_md5 = hashlib.md5()# To obtain 1 a MD5 Object of the encryption algorithm 
 my_md5.update(str) # get MD5 The message digest 
 my_md5_Digest = my_md5.hexdigest()# In order to 16 Base returns the message digest, 32 position 
 return my_md5_Digest

# use python built-in hashlib Library if m.update(a) After the  m.update(b) , so that's the same thing as m.update(a+b) , to verify here 1 Under the 
def get_md5_value_two(str1, str2):
 my_md52 = hashlib.md5()
 my_md52_Digest = my_md52.hexdigest()
 return my_md52_Digest

# use SHA1
def get_sha1_value(str):              
 my_sha = hashlib.sha1()
 my_sha_Digest = my_sha.hexdigest()
 return my_sha_Digest

# using os The module system() Method to get a file MD5 value  
def get_file_md5_value(filename): 
 return os.system('md5sum ' + filename + '|cut -f1') 
# using os The module popen() Method to get a file MD5 value 

def get_popen_file_md5_value(filename):
    return os.popen('md5sum ' + filename + '|cut -f1')

# Gets the contents of the file MD5 value 
def get_file_content_md5_value(filename):
    fp = open(filename)
    fp_content =
    return get_md5_value(fp_content)

# using commands The module gets the file MD5 value 
def get_commands_file_md5_value(filename):
    return commands.getoutput('md5sum ' + filename + '|cut -f1')

if __name__ == '__main__':
 string1 = 'We are friends!!!'
 string2 = 'Do agree with me?'
 filename = 'Linux.txt'
 result_md5_value = get_md5_value(string1)
 result_sha1_value = get_sha1_value(string1)
 print '-------------------------------------------------'
 print ' The original string is: '+string1
 print 'hashlib The module MD5 Value is: '+result_md5_value,len(result_md5_value)
 print 'SHA1 Value is: '+result_sha1_value,len(result_sha1_value)
 print '-------------------------------------------------'
 result_md5_value = get_md5_value(string2)
 result_sha1_value = get_sha1_value(string2)
 print ' The original string is: '+string2
 print 'hashlib The module MD5 Value is: '+result_md5_value,len(result_md5_value)
 print 'SHA1 Value is: '+result_sha1_value,len(result_sha1_value)
 print '---------------------- validation ---------------------------'
 result_md5_value = get_md5_value(string1+string2)
 result_sha1_value = get_sha1_value(string1+string2)
 print ' The original string is: ', string1+string2
 print 'hashlib The module MD5 Value is: '+result_md5_value,len(result_md5_value)
 print 'SHA1 Value is: '+result_sha1_value,len(result_sha1_value)
 print '----------------------- As a whole MD5--------------------------'
 result_md52_value = get_md5_value_two(string1, string2)
 print ' The original string is: ', string1+string2
 print 'hashlib The module MD5 Value is: '+result_md52_value,len(result_md52_value)
 print '****************************os The module gets the file MD5 A value of *******************************************'
 result_file_value = get_file_md5_value(filename)
 print result_file_value 
 result_popen_file_md5_value = get_popen_file_md5_value(filename)
 print result_popen_file_md5_value 
 print '*****************************os The module gets the contents of the file MD5 A value of ******************************************'
 result_file_content_value = get_file_content_md5_value(filename)
 print result_file_content_value, len(result_file_content_value)
 print '*****************************commands The module gets the file MD5 A value of ******************************************'
 result_commands_file_md5_value = get_commands_file_md5_value(filename)
 print result_commands_file_md5_value, len(result_commands_file_md5_value)

Here are the results:

 The original string is: We are friends!!! 
hashlib The module MD5 Value is: 469306cbddd0cc5917b9536c54e619ab 32 
SHA1 Value is: 7a3f8637b61108f702052dda52e1251392228260 40 
 The original string is: Do agree with me? 
hashlib The module MD5 Value is: 54f45c7d0aa071186a0ec4a030213d8a 32 
SHA1 Value is: 0a2c0f3317862f7055605e1faab7f02f35f466de 40 
---------------------- validation --------------------------- 
 The original string is:  We are friends!!!Do agree with me? 
hashlib The module MD5 Value is: bd77df50992d4d8b65f19d47a15132fe 32 
SHA1 Value is: 83bc19fc724aaa991a0278fbb1be210bc28757fb 40 
----------------------- As a whole MD5-------------------------- 
 The original string is:  We are friends!!!Do agree with me? 
hashlib The module MD5 Value is: bd77df50992d4d8b65f19d47a15132fe 32 
****************************os The module gets the file MD5 A value of ******************************************* 
80d566209acf154dcfdd25f9079792f6 Linux.txt 
<open file 'md5sum Linux.txt|cut -f1', mode 'r' at 0x7f6d99b010c0> 
*****************************os The module gets the contents of the file MD5 A value of ****************************************** 
80d566209acf154dcfdd25f9079792f6 32 
*****************************commands The module gets the file MD5 A value of ****************************************** 
80d566209acf154dcfdd25f9079792f6 Linux.txt 43 

If you are interested in it, you can take it to experiment 1 and paste the document Linux. txt:

1.[root@localhost/root]#  Means log in to the system, where # It's the power user root The user's system prompt 
2.reboot The command restarts the system 
3. Turn off system use (this command can only be used by super users) :shutdown[ options ][ time ][ Warning message ]
-k : Do not really shut down just send a warning to you to all users 
-r Reboot immediately after shutdown 
-h: Do not start after shutdown 
-f: Fast shutdown is skipped when reboot fsck
-n: Quick shutdown without passing through init The program 
-c: cancel 1 One that's already running shutdown
4. File operation command 
ls -a List all the file names under the directory including the hidden files, i.e. . "The beginning of the document 
ls -l List files in long format 
ls -F Append the name of the file listed 1 A symbol (such as an executable file plus * Directory to add / ) 
mkdir filename Create a new directory 
rmdir filename Delete directories that have been created 
cd filename  Go to file directory 
cp -r  The source file   The destination file   Copy the file 
rm -r filename Delete this directory and all subdirectories under it 
rm -f Force a file to be deleted without confirmation 
rm -i filename  Delete the file 
mv  Source file path   Destination file path   Move file command 
mv filename1 filename2  rename 
cat filename Displays the text file contents 
cat file1 file2 file3 In turn, show 3 A file 
cat -n filename Displays the line number as well as the document content 
more filename Display text files (more content) 
pwd Display current path 
5. Users and user group management 
useradd username Create a new user 
userdel username Delete user 
groupadd groupname Create a new user group 
groupdel groupname Delete user groups 
su -username Grant privileges to ordinary users or other identities to superusers 
chomd[who][+|-|=][mode]filename Dare to change access to files or directories 
chown[ User: group ] file   Use to change the owner and group of a file or directory 
6. Process management command 
ps -e Displays all processes 
ps -f The format 
ps -l Long format 
top  Dynamic display of current process and other input, can add parameters: 
q You can exit the page you are viewing 
 (space) refresh the display immediately 
h/? Displays the main screen 
m Toggles display memory information 
t Toggles display process and CPU information 
c Toggles display command name and full command line 
M Sort according to the size of the resident memory 
P According to the CPU Sort by percentage size 
kill Commands are used to kill processes in the background in two main ways: 
kill[-s  signal ]  Process of no.   Kill the specified process 
kill -l Display process list 
cron The command is used to complete a timed task and is not started manually 
cron -l View what already exists cron task 
7. Disk and file commands 
 df -k Displays disk space usage for each partition 
 mount[ options ] equipment   directory   Mount the file 
 umount[-f]directory Mandatory uninstall 1 Three file systems 
 8. Software installation command 
 tar -c filename create 1 A new file 
 tar -t filename View the contents of the archive file 
 tar -x filename Dissolves the contents of an archive file 
 tar -f filename Specifies the name of the file 
 tar -v filename Display process information 
 tar -z filename Adopt compression mode 
 rpm -i packagename The installation package 
 rpm -U packagename Upgrade package 
 rpm -qa Lists all packages that have been installed 
 rpm -qf filename Query which package a particular file belongs to 
 rpm -qi packagename Query the functionality of a package 
 rpm -e packagename Delete the package 
 9.vim use 
 vim There are 3 Mode: command line mode, text input mode, terminal mode 
  The input vim To enter vim Editor, click ESC To enter command line mode, click i Enter text editing mode input: you can enter the final line mode 
  Enter in the last line mode q You can quit; The input wq You can save the operation and exit; The input q ! Forced out of 
 head -n x filename View the front of the file x line 
 tail -n y filename After viewing the file y line 
 head filename View the front of the file 10 line 
 tail filename After viewing the file 10 line 
 tail -f filename After the show 10 Line content, and automatically displays the new file content after the content has been added 
 11. The network configuration 
 ifconfig -a View all network card status information 
 ifconfig -V To view ifconfig Command version information 
 ifconfig -s View statistics 
 ifconfig eth ipaddress  Set the nic IP
 ifconfig eth down  Close the network card 
 ifconfig eth up Activate the network card 
 ifconfig eth netmask netmaskaddress  Sets the subnet mask address of the network card 
 ifconfig eth ipaddress netmask netmaskaddress  At the same time set up IP And the subnet mask address 
 ifconfig eth Check the status of the network card 
 route View routing information 
 route add -net ipaddress netmask netmaskaddress dev eth Specify the interface 
 netstat Display network situation 
 ping Detect network connectivity 
 nslookup ip Look at the IP Corresponding domain name 
 host domainname Query for the corresponding domain name IP
 12. time 
 /sbin/hwclock --show View the current hardware time 
 /sbin/hwclock --hctosys Synchronize hardware time to Linux system 
 /sbin/hwclock --systohc will Linux Time synchronization to hardware time 
 13. The document 
 df -k In order to KB Displays the information of each partition in units 
 df -a Displays all partitions including size as 0 The partition 
 df -T Display partition type 
 du -b /file Displayed in bytes file The size of each folder under the folder 
 du -ks file In order to KB Is unit display file Total folder size 
 iostat According to CPU In the case 
 tar -c Create a package 
 tar -x Unpack the 
 tar -t Lists the contents of the package 
 tar -r Adds a file to the specified package 
 tar -u Update the files in the package 
 tar -zcvf file.tar.gz file The compression file
 tar -zxvf file.tar.gz file unzip file.tar.gz
 find -name file1 To find the file1
 grep[ Command options ] The matching pattern to look for [ The file to look for ]  Find files 
 grep str1 file in file Find string in str1
 grep -r str1 /file in /file Find the string in all files under its subdirectory str1
 ps -ef | grep filename Look for contains in all processes filename Process information of 
 14 service 
 service tomcat4 start Start the tomacat4 service 
 service tomcat4 stop Shut down tomacat4 service 

That's all for today's experiment.

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