python traverses all excel files under the folder

  • 2020-06-23 00:48:59
  • OfStack

1 heap table is often used in big data processing, and then the data needs to be imported into 1 list for various algorithm analysis. Let me briefly introduce my own practice:

1. How do I read excel files

There are many versions online, based on the xlrd module, find 1 source code:

import xdrlib ,sys 
import xlrd 
def open_excel(file="C:/Users/flyminer/Desktop/ new  Microsoft Excel  The worksheet .xlsx"): 
    data = xlrd.open_workbook(file) 
    return data 
# Fetch by index Excel Data in a table    parameter :file : Excel The file path    colnameindex : The row on which the header column name is located   . by_index : The index of the table  
def excel_table_byindex(file="C:/Users/flyminer/Desktop/ new  Microsoft Excel  The worksheet .xlsx",colnameindex=0,by_index=0): 
  data = open_excel(file) 
  table = data.sheets()[by_index] 
  nrows = table.nrows # The number of rows  
  ncols = table.ncols # The number of columns  
  colnames = table.row_values(colnameindex) # some 1 Rows of data  
  list =[] 
  for rownum in range(1,nrows): 
     row = table.row_values(rownum) 
     if row: 
       app = {} 
       for i in range(len(colnames)): 
        app[colnames[i]] = row[i] 
  return list 
# Get by name Excel Data in a table    parameter :file : Excel The file path    colnameindex : The row on which the header column name is located   . by_name : Sheet1 The name of the  
def excel_table_byname(file="C:/Users/flyminer/Desktop/ new  Microsoft Excel  The worksheet .xlsx",colnameindex=0,by_name=u'Sheet1'): 
  data = open_excel(file) 
  table = data.sheet_by_name(by_name) 
  nrows = table.nrows # The number of rows  
  colnames = table.row_values(colnameindex) # some 1 Rows of data  
  list =[] 
  for rownum in range(1,nrows): 
     row = table.row_values(rownum) 
     if row: 
       app = {} 
       for i in range(len(colnames)): 
        app[colnames[i]] = row[i] 
  return list 
def main(): 
  tables = excel_table_byindex() 
  for row in tables: 
  tables = excel_table_byname() 
  for row in tables: 
if __name__=="__main__": 

The last sentence is the point, so give the code person a "like" here too!

The last sentence makes the functions in the code reusable. Simply put: assuming the file name is a, import a in the program can use a.excel_table_byname () and a.excel_table_byindex ().

2. Then traverse the folder to get the excel file and the path:, the original code is as follows:

import os 
import xlrd 
import test_wy 
xpath="E:/ Tang Weijie / Electric power / General folder for power system / Zhoushan power " 
typedata = [] 
name = [] 
def collect_xls(list_collect,type1): 
  # Gets all of the items in the list type file  
  for each_element in list_collect: 
    if isinstance(each_element,list): 
    elif each_element.endswith(type1): 
  return typedata 
# Read all folders xls file  
def read_xls(path,type2): 
  # Iterate over the path folder  
  for file in os.walk(path): 
    for each_list in file[2]: 
      #os.walk() The function returns 3 Parameter: path, subfolder, file under path, using string concatenation file[0] and file[2] Gets the path to the file  
    all_xls = collect_xls(name, type2) 
  # Iterate over all type File path and read the data  
  for evey_name in all_xls: 
    xls_data = xlrd.open_workbook(evey_name) 
    for each_sheet in xls_data.sheets(): 
      # Please refer to read excel File code  
      raw_data.insert(0, sheet_data) 
      print(,":Data has been done.") 
  return raw_data 

Different ideas are welcome.

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