Summary of Python related knowledge

  • 2020-06-19 10:59:33
  • OfStack

The static compilation

Compile Python directly without specifying additional parameters:

$ ./configure
$ make

View the Shared libraries on which you depend:

$ ldd python => (0x00007fffcd95a000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fab5c350000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fab5c140000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fab5bf20000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fab5bc10000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fab5b840000)
  /lib64/ (0x00007fab5c600000)

static compilation

Compile Python by specifying static parameters:

$ ./configure LDFLAGS="-static" --disable-shared
$ make LDFLAGS="-static" LINKFORSHARED=" "

It was found that some libraries could not be compiled. The output of the compilation result is as follows:

Failed to build these modules:
_bisect      _bsddb       _codecs_cn
_codecs_hk     _codecs_iso2022  _codecs_jp
_codecs_kr     _codecs_tw     _collections
_csv        _ctypes      _ctypes_test
_curses      _curses_panel   _elementtree
_functools     _hashlib      _heapq
_hotshot      _io        _json
_locale      _lsprof      _multibytecodec
_multiprocessing  _random      _socket
_sqlite3      _ssl        _struct
_testcapi     _tkinter      array
audioop      binascii      bz2
cmath       cPickle      crypt
cStringIO     datetime      dbm
fcntl       future_builtins  gdbm
grp        itertools     linuxaudiodev
math        mmap        nis
operator      ossaudiodev    parser
pyexpat      readline      resource
select       spwd        strop
syslog       termios      time
unicodedata    zlib

View the Shared libraries on which you depend:

$ ldd python
  not a dynamic executable

static compiler related module

Edit Modules/ ES30en. local to:

# Edit this file for local setup changes
_bisect _bisectmodule.c
# _bsddb _bsddb.c #  Additional dependent PyBSDDB
_codecs_cn cjkcodecs/_codecs_cn.c
_codecs_hk cjkcodecs/_codecs_hk.c
_codecs_iso2022 cjkcodecs/_codecs_iso2022.c
_codecs_jp cjkcodecs/_codecs_jp.c
_codecs_kr cjkcodecs/_codecs_kr.c
_codecs_tw cjkcodecs/_codecs_tw.c
_collections _collectionsmodule.c
_csv _csv.c
# _ctypes _ctypes/_ctypes.c _ctypes/callbacks.c _ctypes/callproc.c _ctypes/cfield.c _ctypes/malloc_closure.c _ctypes/stgdict.c #  Also depend on Python The source of the  libffi
# _ctypes_test #  with _ctypes
# _curses _cursesmodule.c #  Additional dependent ncurses
# _curses_panel _curses_panel.c #  Additional dependent ncurses
# _elementtree _elementtree.c expat/loadlibrary.c expat/xmlparse.c expat/xmlrole.c expat/xmltok.c expat/xmltok_impl.c expat/xmltok_ns.c #  Rely on the libexpat Possible compilation error 
_functools _functoolsmodule.c
# _hashlib _hashopenssl.c #  Additional dependent OpenSSL
_heapq _heapqmodule.c
_hotshot _hotshot.c
_io _io/_iomodule.c _io/bufferedio.c _io/bytesio.c _io/fileio.c _io/iobase.c _io/stringio.c _io/textio.c
_json _json.c
_locale _localemodule.c
_lsprof _lsprof.c rotatingtree.c
_multibytecodec cjkcodecs/multibytecodec.c
# _multiprocessing _multiprocessing/multiprocessing.c _multiprocessing/pipe_connection.c _multiprocessing/semaphore.c _multiprocessing/socket_connection.c _multiprocessing/win32_functions.c
_multiprocessing _multiprocessing/multiprocessing.c _multiprocessing/socket_connection.c
_random _randommodule.c
_socket socketmodule.c
# _sqlite3 _sqlite/cache.c _sqlite/connection.c _sqlite/cursor.c _sqlite/microprotocols.c _sqlite/module.c _sqlite/prepare_protocol.c _sqlite/row.c _sqlite/statement.c _sqlite/util.c #  Additional dependent sqlite3 
# _ssl _ssl.c  Additional dependent OpenSSL
_struct _struct.c
_testcapi _testcapimodule.c
# _tkinter _tkinter.c #  Additional dependent Tcl/Tk
array arraymodule.c
audioop audioop.c
binascii binascii.c
# bz2 bz2module.c #  Additional dependent bzlib
cmath cmathmodule.c
cPickle cPickle.c
# crypt cryptmodule.c #  Additional dependent OpenSSL
cStringIO cStringIO.c
datetime datetimemodule.c
# dbm dbmmodule.c #  Additional dependent gdbm
fcntl fcntlmodule.c
future_builtins future_builtins.c
# gdbm gdbmmodule.c #  Additional dependent gdbm
grp grpmodule.c
itertools itertoolsmodule.c
linuxaudiodev linuxaudiodev.c
math mathmodule.c _math.c
mmap mmapmodule.c
# nis nismodule.c #  Rely on glibc/nis
operator operator.c
ossaudiodev ossaudiodev.c
parser parsermodule.c
# pyexpat pyexpat.c #  Rely on the libexpat Possible compilation error 
# readline readline.c #  Rely on readline
resource resource.c
select selectmodule.c
spwd spwdmodule.c
strop stropmodule.c
syslog syslogmodule.c
termios termios.c
time timemodule.c
unicodedata unicodedata.c
zlib zlibmodule.c zlib/adler32.c zlib/compress.c zlib/crc32.c zlib/deflate.c zlib/example.c zlib/gzclose.c zlib/gzlib.c zlib/gzread.c zlib/gzwrite.c zlib/infback.c zlib/inffast.c zlib/inflate.c zlib/inftrees.c zlib/minigzip.c zlib/trees.c zlib/uncompr.c zlib/zutil.c

After recompiling, part of Modules can be compiled into static library, output:

Failed to build these modules:
_bsddb     _ctypes     _ctypes_test
_curses     _curses_panel  _elementtree
_hashlib    _sqlite3    _ssl
_tkinter    bz2       crypt
dbm       gdbm      nis
pyexpat     readline

View the Shared libraries on which you depend:

$ ldd python
  not a dynamic executable


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