Example analysis of variable assignment operations in Python programming

  • 2020-06-15 09:18:29
  • OfStack

This article gives an example of variable assignment in Python programming. To share for your reference, specific as follows:

Python I'm going to use the equals sign (=) Make an assignment. 
Python Is not directly assigned to 1 A value is assigned to 1 A variable, 
 Instead, refer to the object ( Not value ) Assign values to variables. 
# Assignment operator 
'''''python Does not return a value. '''
#add=(Int=Int+2) # Incorrect assignment statement 
add=Int=Int+2 #python Supports chain assignment 
print add,Int
''''' Augmented assignment : The equal sign and 1 A combination of operators 1 Start and reassert the result to the left variable. '''
print "The Int+10=",Int
print "The Float-0.2=",Float
print "The Int *5=",Int
print "The Int/5=",Int
print "The Int%2=",Int
Int **=2
print "The Int **=",Int
Int<<=2# Two shift to the left 
print "The Int <<2=",Int
Int>>=2# Two moves to the right 
print "The Int>>2=",Int
Int &=10# Bitwise facies 
print "The Int &10=",Int
Int ^=3# According to the not 
print "The Int^3=",Int
Int |=3# According to the phase or 
print "The Int|3=",Int
#List add 
print "The List:",List
# Multiple assignments 
print a,b,c,d,e,f
''''' Multiple assignment: To assign multiple variables simultaneously .
 When assigned in this way, the objects on both sides of the equal sign are tuples .
 Usually tuples need parentheses () enclosed .
 Parentheses are optional and are recommended for code readability 
x,y,z=4,8,"ewang" # For code readability, parentheses are recommended 
print x,y,z
(x,y,z)=(4,8,"ewang" )
print x,y,z
#Python The multi-variable assignment method can realize the value exchange of two variables without intermediate variables 
print x,y

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I hope this article has been helpful in Python programming.

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