Batch compression of png method instances with Python (support for filtering individual files and folders)

  • 2020-06-12 09:56:56
  • OfStack


This paper mainly introduces Python batch compression png related materials, to share for your reference and learning, the following words do not say much, let's have a look at the detailed introduction:

1. The demand

Why is there a need? The reason is that most of the game resources are png images, which need to be compressed. However, some images and images in folders, the art does not want to be compressed, such as 1 aperture with transparency or the main elements of the game. So I'm going to filter it. python was found to be a good language for this scenario. So I wrote python.

2. The source code

import os,sys
import os.path
# Files that need to be filtered 
notActionFile = ["choose_bg1.png"]
# Folders to filter 
notActionPath = ["test"]
# Files that need to be deleted 
needDeleteFile = ["s2.png"]
def file_extension(path): 
 return os.path.splitext(path)[1] 
for parent,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(rootdir):
 for filename in filenames:
  fullPath = os.path.join(parent,filename)
  # Delete the file 
  for deleteFile in needDeleteFile:
   if filename == deleteFile:  
  isFilter = False
  # Filter file compression 
  for noActionName in notActionFile: 
   if noActionName == filename:
    isFilter = True
  # Filter folder compression     
  for onePath in notActionPath:
   lastPath = fullPath.split('\\')[-2]
   if lastPath == onePath:
    isFilter = True      
  if file_extension(fullPath) == ".png" and isFilter == False:
   #print "action"  
   os.system("pngquant -f --ext .png --quality 50-80 \"" + fullPath + "\"")
   print fullPath

pngquant is used for compression.

Complete the project download address: http: / / xiazai ofstack. com / 201707 / yuanma/compressImage (ofstack. com). rar

To do this, copy the two files to the folder that you want to compress and then execute python


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