Python writes an alarm clock function

  • 2020-06-12 09:32:02
  • OfStack

Put the audio file in the same directory as file

import winsound #  Import this module for sound playback 
import time #  Import this module to get the current time 
#  Prompt the user to set the time and minutes 
my_hour = input(" Please enter: ")
my_minute = input(" Please enter points: ")
flag = 1
while flag:
  t = time.localtime() #  Era value of the current time 
  fmt = "%H %M"
  now = time.strftime(fmt, t) #  Converts an era value to a string containing hours and minutes 
  now = now.split(' ') # Cut with a space to put the time and into the name now The list of 
  hour = now[0]
  minute = now[1]
  if hour == my_hour and minute == my_minute:
    music = 'Good Time.wav'
    winsound.PlaySound(music, winsound.SND_ALIAS)
    flag = 0

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