The use of python regular expressions

  • 2020-06-03 07:17:08
  • OfStack

python regularization is supported by the re module

Three matching functions

match: matches the regular expression only from the beginning of the string, returns matchobject if the match is successful, otherwise returns none;

re. match(pattern, string, flags=0) ##flags flag that controls how regular expressions are matched, such as case sensitivity, multi-line matching, and so on.

search: Try to match all strings of the string with the regular expression. If none of the strings matches successfully, return none, otherwise return matchobject. ( is equivalent to the default behavior in perl)

The findall method returns all 1 list matches the given expression;


mypatten = re.compile(" The rules ") ## Define matching rules 
myresult = mypatten.match(" string ") ## Matching results 

if myresult:

print myresult. group()## ## bracket can be filled with Numbers or groups (? P < name > Regular expression)#name is a valid identifier

search match1 sample

mypatten = re.compile(" The rules ") ## Define matching rules 
myresult = mypatten.findall(" string ") ## It returns a list   If there's a group in there that returns a 2 D list 

if myresult:


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