python3 implements UDP protocol server and client
- 2020-06-03 07:14:17
- OfStack
Using socket module in Python to implement the UDP protocol, write a simple server and client here. To illustrate the use of UDP in network programming, I will not write graphics here, but open the client and server of UDP respectively on two computers.
UDP: User Datagram Protocol, a connectionless protocol. Using this protocol does not require two applications to establish a connection first. The UDP protocol does not provide error recovery and cannot provide data retransmission, so the security of the transmitted data is poor.
The client
python3 can only send and receive binary data and requires explicit transcoding
from socket import *
host = '' # This is for the client computer ip
port = 13141 # Interface selection greater than 10000 To avoid conflict
bufsize = 1024 # Define buffer size
addr = (host,port) # Tuples form
udpClient = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM) # Create client
while True:
data = input('>>> ')
if not data:
data = data.encode(encoding="utf-8")
udpClient.sendto(data,addr) # To send data
data,addr = udpClient.recvfrom(bufsize) # Receive data and return address
The server
Explicit transcoding is also required
from socket import *
from time import ctime
host = '' # Listen for all ip
port = 13141 # Interface must be 1 to
bufsize = 1024
addr = (host,port)
udpServer = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)
udpServer.bind(addr) # To start listening to
while True:
print('Waiting for connection...')
data,addr = udpServer.recvfrom(bufsize) # Receive data and return address
# Process the data
data = data.decode(encoding='utf-8').upper()
data = "at %s :%s"%(ctime(),data)
# To send data
print('...recevied from and return to :',addr)