Python audio processing library pydub tutorial

  • 2020-06-03 07:09:23
  • OfStack


pydub is a library in Python for users to process audio files. This paper mainly introduces the content related to the use of Python audio processing library pydub, and shares it for your reference and study. Here is a detailed introduction:


1. Installation of pip tool: sudo apt-get install python-pip

2. pydub installation: sudo pip install pydub

3. pydub depends on ffmpeg, so ffmpeg needs to be installed. Since es23EN14.04 official source has been removed, ppa source is installed:

 sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install ffmpeg


The AudioSegment method is able to open an audio file into the AudioSegment example and process the audio using various methods, calling before use from pydub import AudioSegment

Open audio:

sound1 = AudioSegment.from_file("/path/to/sound.wav", format="wav") // The default mp3 format 

sound2 = AudioSegment.from_file("/path/to/another_sound.mp3", format="mp3") Is equivalent to sound1
 = AudioSegment.from_mp3("/path/to/sound.mp3")

Volume handling:

louder = sound1 + 6 //sound1  Sounds, 6dB

quieter = sound1 - 6 //sound1  Voice down 6dB

combined = sound1 + sound2  //sound1  and sound2 The superposition 

duration_in_milliseconds = len(sound1)  // To obtain sound The length of the 

beginning = sound1[:5000] // To obtain sound1 The former 5 Second audio data 

end = sound1[-5000:]  // To obtain sound1 After the 5 Second audio data 


1. For the calculation of multiple audio, the number of channels, frames, sampling rate and the number of bits between multiple audio files should be 1. Otherwise, low-quality audio will be converted to high-quality audio, mono will be converted to stereo, and low frame number will be converted to high frame number.

2, AudioSegment native support wav and raw, if other files need to install ffmpeg. raw also needs sample_width, frame_rate, channels3.

Generated file:

export() Method to convert 1 AudioSegment object to 1 file.

sound = AudioSegment.from_file("/path/to/sound.wav", format="wav") 

file_handle = sound.export("/path/to/output.mp3", format="mp3")  // Simple output 

file_handle = sound.export("/path/to/output.mp3", 
       tags={"album": "The Bends", "artist": "Radiohead"})   // Complex output 

AudioSegment. empty () :

AudioSegment.empty() Used to generate 1 AudioSegment object of length 0, 1 is generally used for multiple audio merges.

sounds = [
playlist = AudioSegment.empty()
for sound in sounds:
 playlist += sound

AudioSegment. silent () :

ten_second_silence = AudioSegment.silent(duration=10000) // produce 1 The duration of is 10s The silent AudioSegment object 

Get parameters:

In addition, the parameters of the audio can be obtained through AudioSegment, while the original parameters can also be modified.

Specific see: https: / / github com jiaaro/pydub blob/master/API markdown


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