Python example of a method that implements an object conversion to xml

  • 2020-06-03 07:08:34
  • OfStack

This article gives an example of how Python implements an object conversion to xml. To share for your reference, specific as follows:

# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
Created on 2010-4-20
@author:  Theseus in sorrow 
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from addrbook.domain import Person
class Converter(object):
      implementation Python Object and the xml The transformation between the two 
  root = None# The root node 
  def __init__(self):
  def createRoot(rootTag):
           Create the root node 
    root = ET.Element(rootTag)
    return root
  def getXmlString(element,defaultEncoding='utf-8'):
           Returns formatted based on the node xml string 
      rough_string = ET.tostring(element, defaultEncoding)
      reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
      return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" " , encoding=defaultEncoding)
      print 'getXmlString: The incoming node could not be correctly converted to xml , check that the incoming node is correct '
      return ''
  def classToElements(classobj,rootTag=None):
           Based on the instance of the object passed in, the nodes are generated based on the properties of the object, and a list of nodes is returned 
    classobj : An instance of an object 
    rootTag : Root node name 
    attrs = None# Save the set of properties for the object 
    elelist = []# The node list 
      attrs = classobj.__dict__.keys()# Gets all the properties of the object ( Member variables )
      print 'classToElements: An invalid object was passed in, and the properties of the object could not be obtained correctly '
    if attrs != None and len(attrs) > 0:# Attribute exists 
      for attr in attrs:
        attrvalue = getattr(classobj, attr)# Attribute values 
        # An attribute node 
        attrE = ET.Element(attr)
        attrE.text = attrvalue
        # Add to node list 
    return elelist
  def classToXML(classobj,rootTag=None):
    Python Custom model classes converted to xml , the successful conversion returns xml Root node, otherwise returned None
    classobj : An instance of an object 
    rootTag : Root node name 
      classname = classobj.__class__.__name__ # The name of the class 
      if rootTag != None:
        root = Converter.createRoot(rootTag)
        root = Converter.createRoot(classname)
      elelist = Converter.classToElements(classobj, rootTag)
      for ele in elelist:
      return root
      print 'classToXML: Conversion error, check that the incoming object is correct '
      return None
  def collectionToXML(listobj,rootTag='list'):
               Collection (list, tuple, dictionary) converted to xml , the successful conversion returns xml Root node, otherwise returned None
      classname = listobj.__class__.__name__ # The name of the class 
      root = Converter.createRoot(rootTag)
      if isinstance(listobj, list) or isinstance(listobj, tuple):# A list or tuple 
        if len(listobj) >= 0:
          for obj in listobj:# Iterate over the objects in the list 
            itemE = Converter.classToXML(obj)
      elif isinstance(listobj, dict):# The dictionary 
        if len(listobj) >= 0:
          for key in listobj:# Iterate over the objects in the dictionary 
            obj = listobj[key]
            itemE = Converter.classToXML(obj)
            itemE.set('key', key)
        print 'listToXML : Conversion error, incoming object: '+classname+' Not a collection type '
      return root
      print 'collectionToXML : Conversion error, collection converted to xml failure '
      return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
  p1 = Person('dredfsam',' male ','133665')
  p2 = Person('dream',' female ','r')
  p3 = Person(' score ',' male ','sdf')
  personList = {}
  personList['p1']= p1
  personList['p2']= p2
  personList['p3']= p3
#  personList.append(p1)
#  personList.append(p2)
#  personList.append(p3)
  root = Converter.collectionToXML(personList)
  print Converter.getXmlString(root)
#  plist = (p1,p2,p3)#{'name':'sdf'}
#  print type(plist)
#  print type(plist),isinstance(plist, list)

PS: Here are some more online tools for xml:

Online XML/JSON interconversion tool:

XML online format/XML online compression:

XML online compression/formatting tool:

XML code online formatting tool:

More about Python related topics: interested readers to view this site "Python xml data operation skill summary", "Python data structure and algorithm tutorial", "Python Socket programming skills summary", "Python function using techniques", "Python string skills summary", "Python introduction and advanced tutorial" and "Python file and directory skills summary"

I hope this article has been helpful in Python programming.

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