Summary of Python file handling considerations
- 2020-05-30 20:25:42
- OfStack
Summary of notes for handling Python files
File handling is a common operation in programming. Opening, closing, renaming, deleting, appending, copying, random reading and writing of files are very easy to understand and use. What needs to be noted is the safe closing of the file, which is easy and convenient with the with statement:
with open(pathname, " r " ) as myfile:
1. File processing of CSV
The csv module handles csv files well, while the Pandas module handles large csv files well, HTML, etc., and provides chunking.
2.XML file processing
For smaller xml files, it is better to use cElementTree or at least ElementTree, and for larger files, lxml.
3. Serialization and normal serialization of file contents
It is very simple to serialize and deserialize with pickle, dump () and load (). However, it is important to note that pickle does not atomize, the data source is sensitive, and there are security risks. Another form of serialization is json. dumps (), load (), good scalability, you can specify decoder, performance is a little worse than pickle.
4. Log file processing
When using the logging module for logging files, it is important to note that logging is thread-safe to avoid multiple processes writing to the same log at the same time.
5. Image file processing
For the usual file image processing, the PIL module is adequate. In the Linux environment, you should pay attention to the installation of the relevant image library, 1 type ImageMagick library is preferred. If it involves deep image processing such as image recognition, it is necessary to seek the help of OpenCV
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