python fabric implements remote deployment

  • 2020-05-19 05:10:03
  • OfStack

python fabric implements remote deployment

Requirements describe

In the course of a multi-person collaborative development project, almost every day we had to submit code to the git server and then deploy it to the test server. How to do? Operation and maintenance automation! Now let's talk about fabric. Let's finish some complicated and repetitive work for us. I believe you will like it as much as I do.

Project background

The project we are working on this time is the django framework. Every day after we submit the code to the git server, we have to manually upload the code to the test server, and then execute the command of series 1 django framework. Every day to waste more than 10 minutes of time, doing repetitive labor, these work is not a programmer should do...

The solution

With Python's fabric module, you can solidify commands for automated deployment or multi-machine operations into a single script that can then be executed.

Install fabric

Note: both the native and target servers need to be installed once
sudo easy_install fabric

Or install it with pip:

pip install fabric

Write a script

local is executed natively; run is executed on a remote machine

from fabric.api import hosts, run, env, local, cd, get, lcd
from fabric.tasks import execute

env.hosts = ["fab@", "root@"]
env.passwords = {"fab@": "fab", "root@": "tofabor"}

def update():
  """ Update the test server code """
  with cd("/opt/project/project"): #  Enter the project directory of the test server 
    run("git pull origin master") #  from git The server's master Branch down the latest code 
    run("/usr/local/bin/python2.7 /opt/project/project/ makemigrations") #  This is a django A command for the framework to detect database changes 
    run("/usr/local/bin/python2.7 /opt/project/project/ migrate") #  This is a django The framework executes the database change command 

def restart():
  """ Restart the service """

def start():
  """ Start the service """
  with cd("/opt/project/project"):
    run("supervisorctl start dev")

def stop():
  """ Stop the service """
  pids = run("ps -ef |grep '9001'| awk '{print $2}'")
  pid_list = pids.split('\r\n')
  for i in pid_list[:-2]:
    run('kill -9 %s' % i) #  Kill the running service process 

Save the above script as (you can also save it as another name, but run the command differently, as described below)

Execute the script

If your script name is, you can enter your directory at the terminal and type the following command enter:

fab update

Next, you will see the terminal prompt you to enter the git account and password, after you successfully enter, will automatically drop down the git server code to the test server.
Then run the following command to restart the service:

fab restart

If your file has a different name,, then it is wrong to execute fab update /restart. How does the cloud work?

fab -f ab update
fab -f ab restart

Note: fabric is quite powerful. This article just lists 1 small features. If you want to learn more, please see the official document http: / / docs fabfile. org/en / 1.6 /

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