python common formatted output summary

  • 2020-05-17 05:52:45
  • OfStack

This article summarizes some simple and basic output formatting forms. Without further discussion, let's take a look at the details.

1. Print a string

>>> print "I'm %s" % ("jihite")
I'm jihite

2. Print integers

>>> print "I'm %d years old" % (17)
I'm 17 years old

3. Print floating point Numbers

>>> print " PI. =%f" % (3.1415926)
 PI. =3.141593

4. Print floating point Numbers (specify reserved decimal places)

>>> print " PI. =%.3f" % (3.1415926)
 PI. =3.142

5. Specify a placeholder width

>>> print "NAME:%8s AGE:%8d WEIGHT:%8.2f" % ("jihite", 17, 62.2)
NAME: jihite AGE:   17 WEIGHT:  62.20

6. Specify placeholder width (left aligned)

>>> print "NAME:%-8s AGE:%-8d WEIGHT:%-8.2f" % ("jihite", 17, 62.2)
NAME:jihite  AGE:17    WEIGHT:62.20 

7. Specify a placeholder (only use 0 as a placeholder)

>>> print "NAME:%-8s AGE:%08d WEIGHT:%08.2f" % ("jihite", 17, 62.2)
NAME:jihite  AGE:00000017 WEIGHT:00062.20

8. Scientific counting

>>> format(0.0000023, '.2e')
>>> format(0.23, '.2e')


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