python xml.etree.ElementTree walks through all instances of xml nodes

  • 2020-05-17 05:47:25
  • OfStack

python xml.etree.ElementTree traverses all xml nodes

Content of XML file:

  <student name=' Liu bei ' sex=' male ' age='35'/> 
  <student name=' Lyu3 bu4 ' sex=' male ' age='38'/> 
  <student name=' The sable cicada ' sex=' female ' age='22'/> 


#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-  
#  Read data from a file  
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 
# The global only 1 logo  
unique_id = 1 
# Traverse all the nodes  
def walkData(root_node, level, result_list): 
  global unique_id 
  temp_list =[unique_id, level, root_node.tag, root_node.attrib] 
  unique_id += 1 
  # Traverse each child node  
  children_node = root_node.getchildren() 
  if len(children_node) == 0: 
  for child in children_node: 
    walkData(child, level + 1, result_list) 
# Get the raw data  
#  #ID, Level, Attr Map 
#  [1, 1, {'ID':1, 'Name':'test1'}], 
#  [2, 1, {'ID':1, 'Name':'test2'}], 
def getXmlData(file_name): 
  level = 1 # The depth of the node from 1 start  
  result_list = [] 
  root = ET.parse(file_name).getroot() 
  walkData(root, level, result_list) 
  return result_list 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
  file_name = 'test.xml' 
  R = getXmlData(file_name) 
  for x in R: 
    print x 

Output results:

[1, 1, 'students', {}] 
[2, 2, 'student', {'age': '35', 'name': u'\u5218\u5907', 'sex': u'\u7537'}] 
[3, 2, 'student', {'age': '38', 'name': u'\u5415\u5e03', 'sex': u'\u7537'}] 
[4, 2, 'student', {'age': '22', 'name': u'\u8c82\u8749', 'sex': u'\u5973'}] 

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