The Python script implements the Web vulnerability scanning tool

  • 2020-05-12 02:52:37
  • OfStack

This is last year bi set do 1 Web vulnerability scanning small tool, mainly for the simple SQL injection vulnerability, SQL blind note and XSS vulnerability, the code is seen github foreign god (heard to be SMAP of the author of one) of the two small tools source code, according to the inside of the idea to write their own. The following are the instructions and the source code.

1. Instructions:

1. Operating environment:

Linux command line interface + Python2.7

2. Program source code:

Vim scanner// create a file named scanner

Chmod a+xscanner// modify file permissions to be executable

3. Running procedure:

Python scanner// run file

If the target URL information is not carried, the interface will output the help information and remind the parameters that can be input.

Parameters include:

--h outputs help
-- URL scanned by url
--data POST requests the parameters of the method
--cookie HTTP request header Cookie value
-- user-agent HTTP request header User-Agent value
-- whether random-agent USES browser camouflage
-- the upper 1 interface of referer target URL
--proxy HTTP request header proxy value

Such as scanning "http: / / / dvwa/vulnerabilities sqli / & # 63; id = & Submit = Submit"

Python scanner--url=""--cookie="security=low;PHPSESSID=menntb9b2isj7qha739ihg9of1"

The output scan results are as follows:

The results show that:

XSS vulnerability exists, and vulnerability matches vulnerability characteristic library "" > .XSS. < ", which belongs to the type outside the embedded tag.

The SQL injection vulnerability exists, and the database type of the target website server is MySQL.

There is an BLIND SQL injection vulnerability.

2. Source code:

The code has been verified to work, so I personally recommend DVWA for testing.

import optparse, random, re, string, urllib, urllib2,difflib,itertools,httplib 
NAME = "Scanner for RXSS and SQLI" 
AUTHOR = "Lishuze" 
PREFIXES = (" ", ") ", "' ", "') ", "\"") 
SUFFIXES = ("", "-- -", "#") 
BOOLEAN_TESTS = ("AND %d=%d", "OR NOT (%d=%d)") 
TAMPER_SQL_CHAR_POOL = ('(', ')', '\'', '"''"') 
TAMPER_XSS_CHAR_POOL = ('\'', '"', '>', '<', ';') 
COOKIE, UA, REFERER = "Cookie", "User-Agent", "Referer" 
_headers = {} 
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0", 
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36", 
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_0; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.21 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.678.0 Safari/534.21", 
(r"<!--[^>]*%(chars)s|%(chars)s[^<]*-->","\"<!--.'.xss.'.-->\", inside the comment", None), 
(r"(?s)<script[^>]*>[^<]*?'[^<']*%(chars)s|%(chars)s[^<']*'[^<]*</script>","\"<script>.'.xss.'.</script>\", enclosed by <script> tags, inside single-quotes", None), 
(r'(?s)<script[^>]*>[^<]*?"[^<"]*%(chars)s|%(chars)s[^<"]*"[^<]*</script>',"'<script>.\".xss.\".</script>', enclosed by <script> tags, inside double-quotes", None), 
(r"(?s)<script[^>]*>[^<]*?%(chars)s|%(chars)s[^<]*</script>","\"<script>.xss.</script>\", enclosed by <script> tags", None), 
(r">[^<]*%(chars)s[^<]*(<|\Z)", "\">.xss.<\", outside of tags", r"(?s)<script.+?</script>|<!--.*?-->"), 
(r"<[^>]*'[^>']*%(chars)s[^>']*'[^>]*>", "\"<.'.xss.'.>\", inside the tag, inside single-quotes", r"(?s)<script.+?</script>|<!--.*?-->"), 
(r'<[^>]*"[^>"]*%(chars)s[^>"]*"[^>]*>', "'<.\".xss.\".>', inside the tag, inside double-quotes", r"(?s)<script.+?</script>|<!--.*?-->"), 
(r"<[^>]*%(chars)s[^>]*>", "\"<.xss.>\", inside the tag, outside of quotes", r"(?s)<script.+?</script>|<!--.*?-->") 
"MySQL": (r"SQL syntax.*MySQL", r"Warning.*mysql_.*", r"valid MySQL result", r"MySqlClient\."), 
"Microsoft SQL Server": (r"Driver.* SQL[\-\_\ ]*Server", r"OLE DB.* SQL Server", r"(\W|\A)SQL Server.*Driver", r"Warning.*mssql_.*", r"(\W|\A)SQL Server.*[0-9a-fA-F]{8}", r"(?s)Exception.*\WSystem\.Data\.SqlClient\.", r"(?s)Exception.*\WRoadhouse\.Cms\."), 
"Microsoft Access": (r"Microsoft Access Driver", r"JET Database Engine", r"Access Database Engine"), 
"Oracle": (r"ORA-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]", r"Oracle error", r"Oracle.*Driver", r"Warning.*\Woci_.*", r"Warning.*\Wora_.*") 
def _retrieve_content_xss(url, data=None): 
for i in xrange(len(url)): 
if i > url.find('?'): 
surl+=surl.join(url[i]).replace(' ',"%20") 
req = urllib2.Request(surl, data, _headers) 
retval = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=30).read() 
except Exception, ex: 
retval = getattr(ex, "message", "") 
return retval or "" 
def _retrieve_content_sql(url, data=None): 
retval = {HTTPCODE: httplib.OK} 
for i in xrange(len(url)): 
if i > url.find('?'): 
surl+=surl.join(url[i]).replace(' ',"%20") 
req = urllib2.Request(surl, data, _headers) 
retval[HTML] = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=30).read() 
except Exception, ex: 
retval[HTTPCODE] = getattr(ex, "code", None) 
retval[HTML] = getattr(ex, "message", "") 
match ="<title>(?P<result>[^<]+)</title>", retval[HTML], re.I) 
retval[TITLE] ="result") if match else None 
retval[TEXT] = re.sub(r"(?si)<script.+?</script>|<!--.+?-->|<style.+?</style>|<[^>]+>|\s+", " ", retval[HTML]) 
return retval 
def scan_page_xss(url, data=None): 
print "Start scanning RXSS:\n" 
retval, usable = False, False 
url = re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", url) if url else url 
data=re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", data) if data else data 
for phase in (GET, POST): 
current = url if phase is GET else (data or "") 
for match in re.finditer(r"((\A|[?&])(?P<parameter>[\w]+)=)(?P<value>[^&]+)", current): 
found, usable = False, True 
print "Scanning %s parameter '%s'" % (phase,"parameter")) 
prefix = ("".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5))) 
suffix = ("".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5))) 
if not found: 
tampered = current.replace(, "%s%s" % (, urllib.quote("%s%s%s%s" % ("'", prefix, "".join(random.sample(TAMPER_XSS_CHAR_POOL, len(TAMPER_XSS_CHAR_POOL))), suffix)))) 
content = _retrieve_content_xss(tampered, data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content_xss(url, tampered) 
for sample in re.finditer("%s([^ ]+?)%s" % (prefix, suffix), content, re.I): 
for regex, info, content_removal_regex in XSS_PATTERNS: 
context = % {"chars": re.escape(}, re.sub(content_removal_regex or "", "", content), re.I) 
if context and not found and 
print "!!!%s parameter '%s' appears to be XSS vulnerable (%s)" % (phase,"parameter"), info) 
found = retval = True 
if not usable: 
print " (x) no usable GET/POST parameters found" 
except KeyboardInterrupt: 
print "\r (x) Ctrl-C pressed" 
return retval 
def scan_page_sql(url, data=None): 
print "Start scanning SQLI:\n" 
retval, usable = False, False 
url = re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", url) if url else url 
data=re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", data) if data else data 
for phase in (GET, POST): 
current = url if phase is GET else (data or "") 
for match in re.finditer(r"((\A|[?&])(?P<parameter>\w+)=)(?P<value>[^&]+)", current): 
vulnerable, usable = False, True 
print "Scanning %s parameter '%s'" % (phase,"parameter")) 
tampered = current.replace(, "%s%s" % (, urllib.quote("".join(random.sample(TAMPER_SQL_CHAR_POOL, len(TAMPER_SQL_CHAR_POOL)))))) 
content = _retrieve_content_sql(tampered, data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content_sql(url, tampered) 
for (dbms, regex) in ((dbms, regex) for dbms in DBMS_ERRORS for regex in DBMS_ERRORS[dbms]): 
if not vulnerable and, content[HTML], re.I): 
print "!!!%s parameter '%s' could be error SQLi vulnerable (%s)" % (phase,"parameter"), dbms) 
retval = vulnerable = True 
vulnerable = False 
original = original or (_retrieve_content_sql(current, data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content_sql(url, current)) 
for prefix,boolean,suffix in itertools.product(PREFIXES,BOOLEAN_TESTS,SUFFIXES): 
if not vulnerable: 
template = "%s%s%s" % (prefix,boolean, suffix) 
payloads = dict((_, current.replace(, "%s%s" % (, urllib.quote(template % (1 if _ else 2, 1), safe='%')))) for _ in (True, False)) 
contents = dict((_, _retrieve_content_sql(payloads[_], data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content_sql(url, payloads[_])) for _ in (False, True)) 
if all(_[HTTPCODE] for _ in (original, contents[True], contents[False])) and (any(original[_] == contents[True][_] != contents[False][_] for _ in (HTTPCODE, TITLE))): 
vulnerable = True 
ratios = dict((_, difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, original[TEXT], contents[_][TEXT]).quick_ratio()) for _ in (True, False)) 
vulnerable = all(ratios.values()) and ratios[True] > 0.95 and ratios[False] < 0.95 
if vulnerable: 
print "!!!%s parameter '%s' could be error Blind SQLi vulnerable" % (phase,"parameter")) 
retval = True 
if not usable: 
print " (x) no usable GET/POST parameters found" 
except KeyboardInterrupt: 
print "\r (x) Ctrl-C pressed" 
return retval 
def init_options(proxy=None, cookie=None, ua=None, referer=None): 
global _headers 
_headers = dict(filter(lambda _: _[1], ((COOKIE, cookie), (UA, ua or NAME), (REFERER, referer)))) 
urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': proxy})) if proxy else None) 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
print "%s\nBy:%s" % (NAME, AUTHOR) 
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
parser = optparse.OptionParser() 
parser.add_option("--url", dest="url", help="Target URL") 
parser.add_option("--data", dest="data", help="POST data") 
parser.add_option("--cookie", dest="cookie", help="HTTP Cookie header value") 
parser.add_option("--user-agent", dest="ua", help="HTTP User-Agent header value") 
parser.add_option("--random-agent", dest="randomAgent", action="store_true", help="Use randomly selected HTTP User-Agent header value") 
parser.add_option("--referer", dest="referer", help="HTTP Referer header value") 
parser.add_option("--proxy", dest="proxy", help="HTTP proxy address") 
options, _ = parser.parse_args() 
if options.url: 
init_options(options.proxy, options.cookie, if not options.randomAgent else random.choice(USER_AGENTS), options.referer) 
result_xss= scan_page_xss(options.url if options.url.startswith("http") else "http://%s" % options.url, 
print "\nScan results: %s vulnerabilities found" % ("possible" if result_xss else "no") 
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
result_sql = scan_page_sql(options.url if options.url.startswith("http") else "http://%s" % options.url, 
print "\nScan results: %s vulnerabilities found" % ("possible" if result_sql else "no") 
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 

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