python outputs the instance code in the data json format

  • 2020-05-12 02:52:05
  • OfStack

There is a requirement to display json data on standard output of python, and it would be nice to indent it to see the data. Packages that use json have a lot to do here

import json
date = {u'versions': [{u'status': u'CURRENT', u'id': u'v2.3', u'links': [{u'href': u'http://controller:9292/v2/', u'rel': u'self'}]}, {u'status': u'SUPPORTED', u'id': u'v2.2', u'links': [{u'href': u'http://controller:9292/v2/', u'rel': u'self'}]}, {u'status': u'SUPPORTED', u'id': u'v2.1', u'links': [{u'href': u'http://controller:9292/v2/', u'rel': u'self'}]}, {u'status': u'SUPPORTED', u'id': u'v2.0', u'links': [{u'href': u'http://controller:9292/v2/', u'rel': u'self'}]}, {u'status': u'SUPPORTED', u'id': u'v1.1', u'links': [{u'href': u'http://controller:9292/v1/', u'rel': u'self'}]}, {u'status': u'SUPPORTED', u'id': u'v1.0', u'links': [{u'href': u'http://controller:9292/v1/', u'rel': u'self'}]}]}
print json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2) #  Sort and indent the two-character output 

This results in the following output:

 "versions": [
   "id": "v2.3",
   "links": [
     "href": "http://controller:9292/v2/",
     "rel": "self"
   "status": "CURRENT"
   "id": "v2.2",
   "links": [
     "href": "http://controller:9292/v2/",
     "rel": "self"
   "status": "SUPPORTED"
   "id": "v2.1",
   "links": [
     "href": "http://controller:9292/v2/",
     "rel": "self"
   "status": "SUPPORTED"
   "id": "v2.0",
   "links": [
     "href": "http://controller:9292/v2/",
     "rel": "self"
   "status": "SUPPORTED"
   "id": "v1.1",
   "links": [
     "href": "http://controller:9292/v1/",
     "rel": "self"
   "status": "SUPPORTED"
   "id": "v1.0",
   "links": [
     "href": "http://controller:9292/v1/",
     "rel": "self"
   "status": "SUPPORTED"

You can see it's all formatted.

This is in python. If you use the command line directly and want to convert directly, you can use data | python-mjson.tool to output data in json format

echo '{"first_key": "value", "second_key": "value2"}' | python -mjson.tool

For example, if you want to filter the value of first_key directly from the command line, you can:

echo '{"first_key": "value", "second_key": "value2"}' | python -c 'import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)[sys.argv[1]]' first_key

So you get value of theta.

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