Python ldap implements the login instance code

  • 2020-05-12 02:51:02
  • OfStack

The following code is the site to introduce the implementation of Python ldap login example code, 1 look at it

ldap_config = {
  'ldap_path': 'ldap://xx.xx.xx.xx:389',
  'base_dn': 'ou=users,dc=ledo,dc=com',
  'ldap_user': 'uid=reporttest,ou=users,dc=ledo,dc=com',
  'ldap_pass': '111111.0',
  'original_pass': '111111.0'
ldap_message = {
  0: 0, #'ok'
  1: 1, #' Wrong username or password '
  2: 2, #ldap Verify exception '
import ldap
import base64
import hashlib
from config_message import ldap_config, ldap_message
class LDAP_API(object):
  _ldap_path = ldap_config['ldap_path']
  _base_dn = ldap_config['base_dn']
  _ldap_user = ldap_config['ldap_user']
  _ldap_pass = ldap_config['ldap_pass']
  _original_pass = ldap_config['original_pass']
  #  The connection ldap The server 
  def __init__(self):
      self.ldapconn = ldap.initialize(self._ldap_path)
      self.ldapconn.protocal_version = ldap.VERSION3
      self.ldapconn.simple_bind(self._ldap_user, self._ldap_pass)
    except ldap.LDAPError, e:
      print e
  #  Verify user login 
  def ldap_check_login(self, username, password):
    obj = self.ldapconn
    searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
    # searchFilter = '(&(cn='+username+')(userPassword='+password+'))'
    searchFilter = 'uid=' + username
    try:, searchScope, searchFilter, None) # id--2
      #  Will be on 1 Step calculation id Let's do it down here 
      result_type, result_data = obj.result(2, 0)
      if result_type != ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY:
        return {'status': ldap_message[1], 'data': ''}
      dic = result_data[0][1]
      l_realname = dic['sn'][0]
      l_password = dic['userPassword'][0]
      md_password = LDAP_API.hash_md5(password)
      if l_password in (password, md_password):
        return {'status': ldap_message[0], 'data': l_realname}
        return {'status': ldap_message[1], 'data': ''}
    except ldap.LDAPError, e:
      return {'status': ldap_message[2], 'data': ''}
  def hash_md5(data):
    md = hashlib.md5()
    a = md.digest()
    b = '{MD5}' + base64.b64encode(a)
    return b

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