Use python to bulk check the usability of your site

  • 2020-05-10 18:23:51
  • OfStack


With the increase in the number of sites, management complexity has also come up, as the saying goes: People with more bad, I found the site much is not good, because there are also important in these sites do not important, important is, of course, the management of the core site 1 more, like some one doesn't make one problem in ten thousand, has been slowly forget yourself, suddenly a day out of the question, also went to the emergency treatment, so the specification is necessary to manage the site, today let's do step 1, no matter big station station, first series 1 do monitoring, regardless of the business situation, at the very least, the site can not access, to first time to come out, don't wait for business to give you feedback, it seems we are professional enough, Let's take a look at how to use python to monitor the availability of multiple websites. The script is as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pickle, os, sys, logging
from httplib import HTTPConnection, socket
from smtplib import SMTP
def email_alert(message, status):
 fromaddr = ''
 toaddrs = ''
 server = SMTP('')
 server.login('xxxxx', 'xxxx')
 server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, 'Subject: %s\r\n%s' % (status, message))
def get_site_status(url):
 response = get_response(url)
  if getattr(response, 'status') == 200:
   return 'up'
 except AttributeError:
 return 'down'
def get_response(url):
  conn = HTTPConnection(url)
  conn.request('HEAD', '/')
  return conn.getresponse()
 except socket.error:
  return None
  logging.error('Bad URL:', url)
def get_headers(url):
 response = get_response(url)
  return getattr(response, 'getheaders')()
 except AttributeError:
  return 'Headers unavailable'
def compare_site_status(prev_results):
 def is_status_changed(url):
  status = get_site_status(url)
  friendly_status = '%s is %s' % (url, status)
  print friendly_status
  if url in prev_results and prev_results[url] != status:
   email_alert(str(get_headers(url)), friendly_status)
  prev_results[url] = status
 return is_status_changed
def is_internet_reachable():
 if get_site_status('') == 'down' and get_site_status('') == 'down':
  return False
 return True
def load_old_results(file_path):
 pickledata = {}
 if os.path.isfile(file_path):
  picklefile = open(file_path, 'rb')
  pickledata = pickle.load(picklefile)
 return pickledata
def store_results(file_path, data):
 output = open(file_path, 'wb')
 pickle.dump(data, output)
def main(urls):
 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, filename='checksites.log', 
   format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', 
   datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
 pickle_file = 'data.pkl'
 pickledata = load_old_results(pickle_file)
 print pickledata
 if is_internet_reachable():
  status_checker = compare_site_status(pickledata)
  map(status_checker, urls)
  logging.error('Either the world ended or we are not connected to the net.')
 store_results(pickle_file, pickledata)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Script core point explanation:

1. getattr() Is the built-in function of python, which receives 1 object and can return the value of the object according to its properties.

2, compare_site_status() The function returns an internally defined function.

3, map() , need 2 parameters, 1 is a function, 1 is a sequence, the function is to apply the function method to each element in the sequence.


The above is the entire content of this article, friends in need can refer to for reference.

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