A simple proxy server is implemented with just 50 lines of Python code

  • 2020-05-07 19:57:24
  • OfStack

The previous scenario is as follows:

I need to use the mongodb graphical client on my computer, but the server address of mongodb is not open to the external network, so I can only connect to mongodb server B by logging into the host A first, and then connecting to mongodb server B from A.

I intended to forward it via ssh port, but I don't have permission to connect ssh to B from machine A. So I wrote one in python.


The principle is simple.

1. Open one socket server to listen for connection requests

2. For each connection request received from a client, a connection request is made to the address to be forwarded. Namely client - > proxy- > forward. proxy is both an socket server (listening for client) and an socket client (requesting to forward).

3. The client - > proxy and proxy - > forward these two socket are bound with a dictionary.

4. Pass send/recv to data intact through the dictionary of this mapping


Here is the code.

import socket 
import select 
import sys 
to_addr = ('xxx.xxx.xx.xxx', 10000)# Forwarding address  
class Proxy: 
  def __init__(self, addr): 
    self.proxy = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
    self.inputs = [self.proxy] 
    self.route = {} 
  def serve_forever(self): 
    print 'proxy listen...' 
    while 1: 
      readable, _, _ = select.select(self.inputs, [], []) 
      for self.sock in readable: 
        if self.sock == self.proxy: 
          data = self.sock.recv(8096) 
          if not data: 
  def on_join(self): 
    client, addr = self.proxy.accept() 
    print addr,'connect' 
    forward = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
    self.inputs += [client, forward] 
    self.route[client] = forward 
    self.route[forward] = client 
  def on_quit(self): 
    for s in self.sock, self.route[self.sock]: 
      del self.route[s] 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    Proxy(('',12345)).serve_forever()# The address to which the proxy server listens  
  except KeyboardInterrupt: 

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