Python USES BF algorithm to implement keyword matching method

  • 2020-04-02 14:39:03
  • OfStack

This paper illustrates the method of keyword matching by BF algorithm in python. Share with you for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:

# -*- coding: UTF-8
# filename BF
import time
t="this is a big apple,this is a big apple,this is a big apple,this is a big apple."
t=" Why is it called a vector space model? In fact, we can think of each word as a dimension, and the frequency of the word as its value (directed), that is, a vector, so that each article of the word and its frequency constitute a i Dimensional space graph, the similarity of two documents is the proximity of two space graphs. If the article only has two dimensions, then the spatial graph can be drawn in a plane cartesian coordinate system, the reader can imagine two articles with only two words to draw a picture to understand. "
p=" The reader "
while (i <=len(t)-len(p)):
    while (t[i]==p[j]):
        if j==len(p):
        elif (j==len(p)-1):
print count
print time.time()-start

Algorithm idea: target string t and pattern string p are compared word by word. If the corresponding bit matches, the next bit is compared. If not, shift p one bit to the right and start the comparison again from the first bit of p.

Algorithm features: overall movement direction: it can be considered that p slides from left to right under fixed conditions; When matching comparison, start from the leftmost bit of p to the right to compare bit by bit with the corresponding bit in the t string. The sliding distance of p is 1, which leads to the low matching efficiency of BF algorithm (compared with other algorithms, such as BM, KMP, sliding has no jump).

The time complexity of this algorithm is O(len(t) *len(p)), and the space complexity is O(len(t)+len(p)).

I hope this article has helped you with your Python programming.

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