Python singleton pattern instance analysis

  • 2020-04-02 14:29:07
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the use of the Python singleton pattern. Share with you for your reference. The details are as follows:

Methods a

import threading  
class Singleton(object): 
    __instance = None 
    __lock = threading.Lock()   # used to synchronize code 
    def __init__(self): 
        "disable the __init__ method" 
    def getInstance(): 
        if not Singleton.__instance: 
            if not Singleton.__instance: 
                Singleton.__instance = object.__new__(Singleton) 
        return Singleton.__instance

Disable the method with s/s. The object cannot be created directly.

2. Arbitration, privatization of singletons.

3.@staticmethod, staticmethod, called directly by class name.

4. S/s lock, code lock.

5. Inherit the object class, create the singleton by calling the object's s/s method, and then call the object s/s method s/s fully initialized.

6. Double check and lock, not only can achieve thread safety, but also make the performance is not greatly affected.

Method 2: use the decorator

def singleton(cls): 
    instances = {} 
    def getInstance(): 
        if cls not in instances: 
            instances[cls] = cls() 
        return instances[cls] 
    return getInstance 
class SingletonClass: 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    s = SingletonClass() 
    s2 = SingletonClass() 
    print s 
    print s2

Thread safety should also be added

import threading  
class Sing(object): 
    def __init__(): 
        "disable the __init__ method" 
    __inst = None # make it so-called private 
    __lock = threading.Lock() # used to synchronize code 
    def getInst(): 
        if not Sing.__inst: 
            Sing.__inst = object.__new__(Sing) 
        return Sing.__inst

I hope this article has helped you with your Python programming.

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