The Python standard library os.path package the glob package USES instances

  • 2020-04-02 14:23:07
  • OfStack

OS. The path

String path OS. Path package is mainly used for processing, such as'/home/zikong/doc/file. Doc ', to extract the useful information.

import os.path
path = '/home/zikong/doc/file.doc' print(os.path.basename(path))    # Query the file name contained in the path
print(os.path.dirname(path))     # Query the directory contained in the path info = os.path.split(path)       # Split the path into file names and directories and return them in a table
path2 = os.path.join('', 'home', 'zikong', 'doc', 'file.doc')  # Use the directory name and file name to form a path string p_list = [path, path2]
print(os.path.commonprefix(p_list))    # Query common parts of multiple paths os.path.normpath(path) # Get rid of the path path Redundancy in. Such as '/home/vamei/../.' Be converted to '/home'
#os.path You can also query the file for information (metadata) . Information about the file is not stored inside the file, but by the operating system
# Maintain some information about the file ( Such as file type, size, modification time ) . import os.path
path = '/home/vamei/doc/file.txt' print(os.path.exists(path))    # Query for the existence of a file print(os.path.getsize(path))   # Query file size
print(os.path.getatime(path))  # Query when the file was last read
print(os.path.getmtime(path))  # Query when the file was last modified print(os.path.isfile(path))    # Whether the path points to a regular file
print(os.path.isdir(path))     # Whether the path points to a directory file

Glob package

Glob is python's own file operation-related module with very little content, which allows you to find files that fit your purpose, similar to file search under Windows, and also supports wildcards, & # 63; ,[], representing 0 or more characters, ? Represents a character that [] matches a character in a specified range, such as [0-9] matches a number.

Glob method: returns a list of all matched file paths. This method requires an argument to specify the matched path string (which can be either an absolute or a relative path), for example:

import glob
/home/zikong/doc/file1.doc /home/zikong/doc/file2.doc


Combined use of two packages to write a similar to the ls function under Linux:

#coding = utf8
import glob
import os.path
path = '/Users/zikong/Pictures'
def ls(path):
        #codinf = utf8
        print "--name--   --type--  --size--  --atime--  --mtime-- "
        path = path + '/*'
        filelist = glob.glob(path)
        for filepath in filelist:
                out = '%s  %s  %s  %s  %s'%(filepath.split('/')[4] ,os.path.isfile(filepath) ,os.path.getsize(filepath) ,os.path.getatime(filepath) ,os.path.getmtime(filepath))
                print out ls(path)

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