Python's method of manipulating CouchDB

  • 2020-04-02 14:15:46
  • OfStack

This article briefly describes the python operation of CouchDB method, to share with you for your reference. Specific methods are as follows:

1. Install the python couchDb library:

Connect to the server

>>> import couchdb
>>> couch = couchdb.Server('')

3. Create a database

>>> db = couch.create('test') #  New database 
>>> db = couch['mydb'] #  Use an existing database 

4. Create the document and insert it into the database:

>>> doc = {'foo': 'bar'}
('e0658cab843b59e63c8779a9a5000b01', '1-4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e')
>>> doc
{'_rev': '1-4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e', 'foo': 'bar', '_id': 'e0658cab843b59e63c8779a9a5000b01'}

The save() method returns the '_id','_rev' fields

5. Query the database by id

>>> db['e0658cab843b59e63c8779a9a5000b01']
<Document 'e0658cab843b59e63c8779a9a5000b01'@'1-4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e' {'foo': 'bar'}>

6. Update documents:

>>> data = db["5fecc0d7fe5acac6b46359b5eec4f3ff"]  
>>> data['billSeconds'] = 191
(u'5fecc0d7fe5acac6b46359b5eec4f3ff', u'3-6b8a6bb9f2428c510dcacdd5c918d632')

7. Traverse the database

>>> for id in db:
...   print id

8. Delete the document and clean up the database

>>> db.delete(doc)
>>> couch.delete('test')

I hope this article has helped you with your Python programming.

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