Python USES getopt to parse command line input parameter instances

  • 2020-04-02 14:12:26
  • OfStack

This article illustrates how python USES getopt to parse command line input parameters.

The specific example code is as follows:

import getopt 
import sys 
config = { 
#getopt Three choices. The first one is usually sys.argv[1:], The second parameter is a short parameter, if the parameter must be followed by the value, must be added : , the third parameter is a long parameter  
# It's a list,  
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hi:o:d',  
# Parameter parsing process , Long parameters for -- , the short parameter is - 
for option, value in opts: 
  if option in ["-h","--help"]: 
    print """ 
    usage:%s --input=[value] --output=[value] 
    usage:%s -input value -o value 
  elif option in ['--input', '-i']: 
    config["input"] = value 
  elif option in ['--output', '-o']: 
    config["output"] = value 
  elif option == "-d": 
    print "usage -d" 
print config  

Input parameters:

--input=c:tempaa -o c:tempoutput -d

Printed results:

usage -d
{'input': 'c:\temp\aa', 'output': 'c:\temp\output'}

I hope this article has helped you with your Python programming.

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