SetUp and tearDown instances of python automated tests

  • 2020-04-02 14:09:53
  • OfStack

This article illustrates the use of setUp and tearDown in python automated tests, and shares them with you for your reference. The details are as follows:

Example code is as follows:

class RomanNumeralConverter(object): 
  def __init__(self): 
    self.digit_map = {"M":1000, "D":500, "C":100, "L":50, "X":10,  
             "V":5, "I":1} 
  def convert_to_decimal(self, roman_numeral): 
    val = 0 
    for char in roman_numeral: 
      val += self.digit_map[char] 
    return val 
import unittest 
class RomanNumeralConverterTest(unittest.TestCase): 
  def setUp(self): 
    print "Create a new RomanNumeralConverterTest....." 
    self.cvt = RomanNumeralConverter() 
  def tearDown(self): 
    print "Destroying a RomanNumeralConverterTest...." 
    self.cvt = None 
  def test_parsing_millenia(self): 
    self.assertEquals(1000, self.cvt.convert_to_decimal("M")) 
if __name__ == "__main__": 

The output results are as follows:

Create a new RomanNumeralConverterTest.....
Destroying a RomanNumeralConverterTest....
Ran 1 test in 0.016s


Note: setUp and tearDown are called when each test method is run

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