Python handles instances of PHP array text files

  • 2020-04-02 14:03:41
  • OfStack


We're going to take a configuration file, take the available characters and splice them, and here's the raw text, and we're going to get the result,

redis -h -p 6379 | select 2
redis -h -p 6379 | select 16
redis -h -p 6379 | select 8

Original text:

    'redis_list' => array(
        'normal' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'port' => 6405,
            'db' => 6
    'redis_list' => array(
        'normal' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'port' => 6379,
            'db' => 2
    'redis_list' => array(
        'normal' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'port' => 6379,
            'db' => 16
    'redis_list' => array(
        'normal' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'port' => 6379,
            'db' => 8

In python:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os file=open("redis_list.txt", "r")
php_array=file_content.replace("'normal' => array(","")
pstr = php_array.replace(" ","").replace("r","").replace("n", "").replace("t", "").replace("(", "").replace("'", "").replace("),", "")
#print pstr
pstr_list = pstr.split("redis_list=>array")
#print type(pstr_list) cf_param = []
for i in pstr_list:
 if i:
  ## 'host'=>'','port'=>6411,'db'=>2
  i_list = i.split(",")
  if len(i_list)==3:
   op = {};
   for ii in i_list:
    ii_list = ii.split("=>")
    if len(ii_list) == 2:
     op[ii_list[0]] = ii_list[1]
   cf_param.append(op) for i in cf_param:
    print "redis -h "+i["host"] + " -p "+i["port"] +"|select" +" "+i["db"]

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