Python implementation of an automated beverage program code sharing

  • 2020-04-02 14:00:54
  • OfStack

When I wrote this program, I had been learning Python for nearly 100 hours. I saw someone on CSDN asking me how to write a soft drink vending program in Python. Of course, just achieve the basic function, welcome the master to give directions, the novice study reference.

Running environment: Python 2.7

# encoding=UTF-8
while loop:
    x = raw_input(' Tip: please put in gold COINS , Please press close "q" key ')
    if x=='q':
        if money==0:
            print ' Error: you have not put in a banknote, please put in at least one banknote before you buy the goods '
            print ' Tip: you have finished the coin, will enter the purchase of goods operation interface '
            loop = False
            x = int(x)
            print ' Hint: you will pay this time ',x,' B: RMB yuan, your total coin ',money,' RMB '
        except Exception,e:
            print ' Error: your gold coin system does not recognize, please re-coin, thank you! '
GoodList = {
    ' Coca-Cola ':2.5,
    ' pulpy ':3,
    ' Milk tea ':1.5,
    ' Add the stupa ':4
print ' Please select commodities: '
for x in GoodList:
    print ' Serial number ',i,' Name of commodity ',x,' The price ',GoodList[x]
fanwei = range(len(GoodList))
loop = True
while loop:
    o = raw_input(' Tip: please enter the product number you want to buy, press "q" Key end purchase ')
    if o=='q':
        loop = False
            o = int(o)
            if o>=1 and o<=len(GoodList):
                for x in GoodList:
                    if i==o:
                        if money>=GoodList[x]:
                            money -= GoodList[x]
                            print ' Hint: the item you purchased is :',x,' , the price :',GoodList[x],' , you still have: ',money,' RMB '
                            if money==0:
                                loop = False
                            print ' Error: your balance ',money,' Yuan is not enough to buy the goods ',x,'[',GoodList[x],' yuan ]'
                print ' Error: the item number you entered does not exist. Please enter it again '
        except Exception,e:
            print ' Error: please enter the correct product number, thank you for your cooperation! '
if money>0:       
    print ' Hint: the system will find you. ',money,' RMB, welcome next time '
    print ' Tip: your balance has been used up. Please come next time '

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