Python USES raw_input to read input values

  • 2020-04-02 13:59:05
  • OfStack

This article describes the use of raw_input in python in more detail. Using raw_input makes it easy to read data into the cluster console. Specific usage examples are as follows:

1. Enter a string

nID = ''
while 1:
  nID = raw_input("Input your id plz")
  if len(nID) != len("13222319810101****"):
    print 'wring length of id,input again'
print 'your id is %s' % (nID)

Enter an integer

nAge = int(raw_input("input your age plz:n"))
if nAge > 0 and nAge < 120:
  print 'thanks!'
  print 'bad age'
print 'your age is %dn' % nAge

3. Enter floating point

fWeight = 0.0
fWeight = float(raw_input("input your weightn"))
print 'your weight is %f' % fWeight

4. Enter hexadecimal data

nHex = int(raw_input('input hex value(like 0x20):n'),16)
print 'nHex = %x,nOct = %dn' %(nHex,nHex)

5. Enter hexadecimal data

nOct = int(raw_input('input oct value(like 020):n'),8)
print 'nOct = %o,nDec = %dn' % (nOct,nOct)

The examples in this article are useful for Python beginners, and interested readers can debug and run the examples to gain a better understanding of the use of raw_input.

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