Regular expression notation is commonly used in Python

  • 2020-04-02 13:55:14
  • OfStack

The understanding of regular expressions in Python is mainly the understanding of symbols. In this paper, the commonly used regular expression symbols in Python are briefly analyzed. Its main symbols are:

The default matches a character without a newline, and matches a newline if DOTALL is set

Match the beginning of a line

Match the end of each line

Matches 0 or more replicates

Matches one or more replicates

Match one or zero replicates

* & # 63; , + & # 63; , & # 63; The & # 63;
Match according to the non-greedy pattern

{m}, {m, n}, {m, n} the & # 63;
Match m repeats, m to n repeats, and m to n repeats according to the non-greedy pattern


[ABC], [a-z] [^ a-z]
Or match 'a|b'
Matching group


(?:...) (?P<name>...)
>>> re.match('(?P<name>abc){2}','abcabc').groupdict()
{'name': 'abc'}
>>> re.match(r'(?P<name>abc)----(?P=name)','abc----abc').group()
(?#...) # The rest is a comment 

What follows the matched string needs to be matched

>>> re.match(r'phone(?=d{3})','phone123').group()
'phone' # 


The content after the matched character cannot be matched

>>> re.match(r'phone(?!d{3})','phoneabc123').group()

The matched string needs to be matched in front of it

(& # 63; < ! ...). Matched characters cannot be matched in front of them

(& # 63; Yes - the pattern (id/name) | no - the pattern)
\ number
\A matches the beginning of A string
\b matches word boundaries

\ B
Antisense \ b

\ [0-9] d said
\ [^ 0-9] D said
\s for [\t\r\n\f\v]
\S is a non - white space character
\w is equivalent to [a-za-z0-9]
The antisense of \W \W

\Z matches the end of the string

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