Python USES regular searches for instances of floating point code in strings or files

  • 2020-04-02 13:50:48
  • OfStack

With python and numpy to deal with data more times, wrote a few small functions, you can easily read and write data:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# function : Reads numeric data in strings and files ( Floating point Numbers )
# Mainly provide similar matlab In the dlmread and dlmwrite function 
# At the same time provide loadtxtdata and savetxtdata function 
#Data: 2013-1-10
#Author: Wu Xu flat 
import numpy
def StringToDoubleArray(String):
  # All non - string Double Type characters are all replaced with Spaces 
  # In order to '#' Comment from the beginning to the end of the line , Have been cleared 
  # Returns a d numpy.array An array of 

  from StringIO import StringIO
  import re

  if len(String.strip())>0:
    # Empty comment lines , Are based on '#' Opening character 
    doublestring=re.sub('#.*$', " ", String, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    # Delete non-numeric characters       
    doublestring=re.sub('[^0-9.e+-]', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    # Remove incorrect number formatting ( Code duplication is necessary )
    doublestring=re.sub('[.e+-](?=s)', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    doublestring=re.sub('[.e+-](?=s)', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    doublestring=re.sub('[e+-]$', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    doublestring=re.sub('[e+-]$', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    # Remove Spaces 
    if len(doublestring)>0:
      DataArray= numpy.genfromtxt(StrIOds)
  return DataArray

def GetDoubleListFromString(String):
  # Split the string with a newline character 
  # All non - string Double Type characters are all replaced with Spaces 
  # In order to '#' Comment from the beginning to the end of the line , Have been cleared 
  # Convert each row to numpy.array An array of 
  # return numpy.array List of arrays 

  from StringIO import StringIO
  import re
  StringList=String.split('n')# Split the string with a newline character 
  for Line in StringList:
    if len(Line.strip())>0:
      # Empty comment lines , Are based on '#' Opening character 
      doublestring=re.sub('#.*$', " ", Line, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
      # Delete non-numeric characters       
      doublestring=re.sub('[^0-9.e+-]', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
      # Remove incorrect number formatting ( Code duplication is necessary )
      doublestring=re.sub('[.e+-](?=s)', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
      doublestring=re.sub('[.e+-](?=s)', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
      doublestring=re.sub('[e+-]$', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
      doublestring=re.sub('[e+-]$', " ", doublestring, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
      # Remove Spaces 
      if len(doublestring)>0:
  return DoubleList
def GetDoubleListFromFile(FileName):
  # Will text all in the file Double Type characters are all replaced with numpy.array An array of 
  # Every row numpy.array An array of 
  ## return numpy.array List of arrays 
  # Pay attention to : Each element in the returned list is one again numpy.array An array of 
  # Pay attention to : Returns each element of the list ( Or file per line ) It can contain Numbers of different Numbers 

  file=open(FileName, 'r')
  read_file =
  return DoubleList

def dlmread(FileName,dtype=numpy.float64):
  #Load Data From Txt-File.
  # The delimiter defaults to :";",",", Space class  ( including t) , etc. 
  # In order to # The beginning is considered a comment , Will not be read 
  #Return Value: Two dimensional array of values (numpy.ndarray)
  # Minimum requirement for arrangement of data in text , Comment characters are allowed , The highest degree of intelligence , But it's slower 
  dlsize=[]# The size of each row of the array 
  for dL in DoubleList:
  MinColumnSize=min(dlsize)# The maximum number of columns in an array 
  MaxColumnSize=max(dlsize)# The minimum number of columns in an array 
  # Array creation and assignment 
  for i in row:
    for j in colum:
  return DoubleArray

def loadtxtdata(filename,delimiter=""):
  #Load Data From Txt-File with delimiter.
  # The delimiter defaults to :";",",", Space class  ( including t) And custom delimiter Etc. 
  #Return Value:   Two dimensional array of values (numpy.ndarray)
  # The arrangement format of the data in the text is highly required , Comment characters are not allowed , The intelligence degree is low , But it's faster 
  from StringIO import StringIO
  import re
  file_handle=open(filename,'r') Read in string 
  DelimiterALL=delimiter+",;"# The separator 
  SpaceString=" "# The blank space 
  for RChar in DelimiterALL:
  return numpy.genfromtxt(StringIO(LinesALL))
def savetxtdata(filename, X, fmt='%.8e', delimiter=' ', newline='n'):
  Save Data To Txt-File.
  numpy.savetxt(filename, X, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter, newline=newline)   
  return True
def dlmwrite(filename, X, fmt='%.8e', delimiter=' ', newline='n'):
  Save Data To Txt-File.
  numpy.savetxt(filename, X, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter, newline=newline)   
  return True
# The test program  
if __name__ == '__main__':
  # Generate random number 
  # Written to the file 

I've only tried it in python2.7, and if you want to use it in python3.x, you can test it yourself.

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