Python views script sharing for multiple server processes

  • 2020-04-02 13:42:46
  • OfStack

Recently, I wrote this script as a checklist of relevant services for my own development, which is used to check whether the relevant services on each server are normal on the skip machine

Log in to each machine using expect (SSH trust cannot be used directly because of security issues), and then read the service name and number of processes started based on the configuration of the yaml file to check whether each service is normal PS: the difficulty is that there is no port forwarding and only normal user privileges

Checklist. Py

import sys
# Because I'm going to make this script work for a lot of people, but I can't show them my cryptographic algorithm , So it is pyc
# I'm going to use this script for a lot of other regular users. It's mine ssh Login operation cannot be placed on mine home Directory, so put tmp
sys.path.append('/tmp/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PyYAML-3.10-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg') # Rely on yaml
sys.path.append('/tmp/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pexpect-2.4-py2.6.egg') # Rely on pexpect
import yaml
import pexpect
dataDict = yaml.load(open('/tmp/config.yaml')) # Will my yaml configuration load Come in 
def myprint(color,mes): # Previously wrote a terminal color print function 
    ''' use ANSI The control code terminal displays color '''
    d = dict(r=31, g=32, gb=36, y=33, b=34, p=35, o=37)
    color = "x1B[%d;%dm" % (1, d[color])
    print "%s%sx1B[0m" % (color, mes)
def main():
    list = ['g', 'b', 'y', 'gb', 'p']
    light = 0
    for k in dataDict:
        if k.startswith('bj-'):
        color = list[light%5] # Wheel the color according to the server 
            SERVER = dataDict[k]
        # I'm using it -F  Because I didn't. root Permission cannot be modified hosts File, but I'm in config.yaml Using aliases, 
         And this definition is custom sshconfig The default is ~/.ssh/config
        child = pexpect.spawn('ssh -F /tmp/sshconfig dongwm@{0}'.format(SERVER['host']))
        # Because there are other users, maybe he has not linked to a server, the first will ask you to confirm the server identity, need to point yes
        f = child.expect(['Password: ', 'password: ', 'continue connecting (yes/no)?'])
        if f == 2:
            # When the flag for 2   Indicates that the user has not logged on to a server 
            child.sendline('{0}'.format(mypasswd(SERVER['host']))) #mypasswd Is a function that encrypts my server permissions. Each server has a different password 
        if f == 1:
        for service in SERVER['service']:
        flag = 0
        # I'll add services to the configuration , The number of processes for the service is typically specified to determine if it is normal 
        if isinstance(service, dict):
            data =service.items()[0]
            service = data[0]
            num = data[1]
        # If I specify only the service and not the number of processes in the configuration, then just make sure the process runs   Don't care about the number of processes 
            num = 0
            flag = 1
            child.sendline('ps -ef|grep {0}|grep -v grep|wc -l'.format(
            # Number of processes 
            pro_num = child.readline().split('rn')[0]
        if int(pro_num) == num or flag:
            # The number of processes corresponds to the value of the configuration annotation 
            myprint(color, '[{0}]  [{1}]  [{2}]  [{3}]'.format(, 
            SERVER['ip'].center(14),, 'ok'.center(4)))
            myprint('r', '[{0}]  [{1}]  [{2}]  [{3}]  [{4}!={5}]'.format(, 
            SERVER['ip'].center(14),, 'fail', 
            pro_num, num))
        light += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':

Config.yaml I'm just intercepting one of these segments here

  host: s233 # this s233 in sshconfig The specified 
  ip: XXX.XXX.XXX.233 # Just to show ip  Good to confirm 
  service: # service load After that is a list 
  # to XX with 
  - nginx: 5
  - uwsgi: 25
  - supervisord: 1
  # To the native XX provide mysql service 
  - mysql: 3 #django
  # To the native XX provide XX
  - celery: 12 
  # To the native XX provide XX
  - rabbitmq: 9
  - redis: 1
  - mongod: 2

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