Python USES the ctypes module to call the windowsapi to get the system version example

  • 2020-04-02 13:37:36
  • OfStack

Python USES the ctypes module to call the Windows API GetVersionEx to get the current system version, without using python32

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
" By calling the Window API Determine the current system version "
#  Demonstrated through ctypes call windows api function .
#  The author already knows python32 Can achieve the same function 
#  A semicolon at the end of a statement is a personal habit 
#  Make partial version judgment only, more detailed version judgment recommendation system OSVERSIONINFOEX The structure of the body 
import ctypes;
class OSINFO(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
def GetSystemVersionString():
    kernel32 = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
    os = OSINFO();
    os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = ctypes.sizeof(os);
    if kernel32.GetVersionExA(ctypes.byref(os))==0:
        return "Null Version";
    if os.dwPlatformId==1: #windows 95/98/me
        if os.dwMajorVersion==4 and os.dwMinorVersion==0:
            verStr = "windows 95";
        elif os.dwMajorVersion==4 and os.dwMinorVersion==10:
            verStr = "windows 98";
        elif os.dwMajorVersion==4 and os.dwMinorVersion==90:
            verStr = "windows me";
            verStr = "unknown version";
    elif os.dwPlatformId==2: #windows vista/server 2008/server 2003/xp/2000/nt
        if os.dwMajorVersion==4 and os.dwMinorVersion==0:
            verStr = "windows nt 4.0";
        elif os.dwMajorVersion==5 and os.dwMinorVersion==0:
            verStr = "windows 2000";
        elif os.dwMajorVersion==5 and os.dwMinorVersion==1:
            verStr = "windows xp";
        elif os.dwMajorVersion==5 and os.dwMinorVersion==2:
            verStr = "windows 2003";
        elif os.dwMajorVersion==6 and os.dwMinorVersion==0:
            verStr = "windows vista"; # or 2008
        elif os.dwMajorVersion>=0:
            verStr = "windows 7";
            verStr = "unknown version";
        return "unknown Version";
    return verStr+" build"+str(os.dwBuildNumber)+" "+ctypes.string_at(os.szCSDVersion);
if __name__ == "__main__":

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