Python analyzes the Nginx access logs and saves them to a MySQL database instance

  • 2020-04-02 13:32:29
  • OfStack

Use Python to analyze Nginx access logs, split them according to the Nginx log format and store them in MySQL database.
I. the format of Nginx access log is as follows:

$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"' # Using the nginx Default log format 

Ii. The contents of Nginx access log are as follows: - - [2013-08-13T00:00:01-07:00] "GET /css/anniversary.css HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.95 Safari/537.36" "-"

3. The Python code for analyzing nginx logs is as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import fileinput
import re
import sys
import MySQLdb
# Log location 
# The use of nginx Default log format $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'
# Log analysis regular expressions 
ipP = r"?P<ip>[d.]*"
# In order to [ start , In addition to [] Any character other than   Prevents the next one from matching [] project ( You can also use non-greedy matching *?)  Not in brackets . Can match any character outside the swap line  * And again, yes " The greedy"   The expression engine tries to repeat as many times as possible. # In order to ] The end of the 
#[21/Jan/2011:15:04:41 +0800]
timeP = r"""?P<time>[[^[]]*]"""
# In order to " start , # Any character other than a double quotation mark   Prevents the next one from matching "" project ( You can also use non-greedy matching *?),# In order to " The end of the 
#"GET / HTTP/1.1"
#"GET / HTTP/1.1"
requestP = r"""?P<request>"[^"]*""""
statusP = r"?P<status>d+"
bodyBytesSentP = r"?P<bodyByteSent>d+"
# In order to " start ,  Any character other than a double quotation mark   Prevents the next one from matching "" project ( You can also use non-greedy matching *?),# In order to " The end of the 
referP = r"""?P<refer>"[^"]*""""
# In order to " start ,  Any character other than a double quotation mark   Prevents the next one from matching "" project ( You can also use non-greedy matching *?), In order to " The end of the 
#"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"'
userAgentP = r"""?P<userAgent>"[^"]*""""
# In order to ( start ,  Any character other than a double quotation mark   Prevents the next one from matching () project ( You can also use non-greedy matching *?), In order to " The end of the 
#(compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"'
userSystems = re.compile(r'([^()]*)')
# In order to " Initially, any character other than a double quote prevents the next character from matching "" project ( You can also use non-greedy matching *?), In order to " The end of the 
userlius = re.compile(r'[^)]*"')
# Principle: mainly through the space and - To distinguish the different items, each item to write their own matching expressions 
nginxLogPattern = re.compile(r"(%s) - - (%s) (%s) (%s) (%s) (%s) (%s)" %(ipP, timeP, requestP, statusP, bodyBytesSentP, referP, userAgentP), re.VERBOSE)
# Database connection information 
sql = "INSERT INTO python.test VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
while True:
    line = logfile.readline()
    if not line:break
    matchs = nginxLogPattern.match(line)
    if matchs != None:
        allGroup = matchs.groups()
        ip = allGroup[0]
        time = allGroup[1]
        request = allGroup[2]
        status = allGroup[3]
        bodyBytesSent = allGroup[4]
        refer = allGroup[5]
        userAgent = allGroup[6]
        Time = time.replace('T',' ')[1:-7]
        if len(userAgent) > 20:
            userinfo = userAgent.split(' ')
            userkel =  userinfo[0]
                usersystem = userSystems.findall(userAgent)
                usersystem = usersystem[0]
                print usersystem
                userliu = userlius.findall(userAgent)
                value = [ip,Time,request,status,bodyBytesSent,refer,userkel,usersystem,userliu[1]]
                print value
            except IndexError:
                userinfo = userAgent
                value = [ip,Time,request,status,bodyBytesSent,refer,userinfo,"",""]
            useraa = userAgent
            value = [ip,Time,request,status,bodyBytesSent,refer,useraa,"",""]
        result = cur.execute(sql,value)
        print result
    except MySQLdb.Error,e:
        print "Mysql Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])

Iv. The data stored in the database is as follows:

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