Import the MDB database file into the postgresql database example using python

  • 2020-04-02 13:26:38
  • OfStack

The MDB format file can export each table contained in it to a CSV format file using the mdbtools tool. Since the access database and postgresQL database formats are incompatible, the resulting CSV file is modified to the correct, recognizable format using python file processing.

Import script description (this script runs on Linux) :

1. Apt-get install mdbtools

2. Copy the MDB file to the Linux virtual machine, and modify the MDB file directory 'dir' in the script.

3. Modify the server and database configuration

4. Execute the script

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import psycopg2
import csv
#mdb File directory 
dir = r'/home/kotaimen/mdb_file/'
mdb_tbl_dic = {}

def make_create_sql():
    if os.path.isfile(dir + 'create.sql'):
        os.remove(dir + 'create.sql')

    for mdb_file in os.walk(dir):
        if len(mdb_file[2]) >0:
            for file_p in mdb_file[2]:
                if file_p[-3:] == 'mdb':
                    print file_p
                    cmd = 'mdb-schema %s  >>/home/kotaimen/mdb_file/create.sql'
                    cmd = cmd % (dir + file_p)
                    print cmd
                    cmd = 'mdb-tables -1 %s ' % (dir + file_p)
                    val = os.popen(cmd).read()
                    mdb_tbl_dic[file_p] = val.split('n')
    print mdb_tbl_dic
def modefy_create_sql():
    sql_file_name = dir + 'create.sql'
    sql_file_name_des = sql_file_name + '_new'
    fobj = open(sql_file_name, 'r')
    fobj_des = open(sql_file_name_des, 'w')
    for eachline in fobj:
        # Determines whether the table name contains Spaces 
        if eachline.find('TABLE ') >= 0:
            if eachline.find(';') >= 0:
                start_loc = eachline.find('TABLE ') + 6
                end_loc = eachline.find(';')
                tbl_name = eachline[start_loc:end_loc]
                eachline = eachline.replace(tbl_name, '"' + tbl_name + '"')
                start_loc = eachline.find('TABLE ') + 6
                end_loc = eachline.find('n')
                tbl_name = eachline[start_loc:end_loc]
                eachline = eachline.replace(tbl_name, '"' + tbl_name + '"')
        if eachline.find('DROP TABLE') >= 0 :
            eachline = eachline.replace('DROP TABLE', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS')
        if eachline.find('Table') >= 0 :
            eachline = eachline.replace('Table', '"Table"')
        #create  Statement with no comma on the last line 
        if eachline.find('Text ') >= 0 and eachline.find(',') >0:
            loc = eachline.find('Text ')
            eachline = eachline[0:loc] + ' Text,n'
        elif eachline.find('Text ') >= 0 and eachline.find(',') < 0:
            loc = eachline.find('Text ')
            eachline = eachline[0:loc] + ' Text n'
    os.rename(sql_file_name_des, sql_file_name)
def make_insert_csv():
    for file_p in mdb_tbl_dic.keys():
        for tbl in mdb_tbl_dic[file_p]:
            if len(tbl) >0:
                cmd = 'mdb-export    %s %s >%s.csv' % (dir + file_p, '"' + tbl + '"', dir + '"' + tbl + '"')# tbl.replace(' ', '_').replace('&', '_'))
def modefy_insert_CSV():
    for sql_file in os.walk(dir):
        if len(sql_file[2]) >0:
            for file_p in sql_file[2]:
                if file_p[-3:] == 'csv' :
                    sql_file_name = dir + file_p
                    sql_file_name_des = sql_file_name + '_new'
                    fobj = open(sql_file_name, 'r')
                    fobj_des = open(sql_file_name_des, 'w')
                    for (num, val) in enumerate(fobj):
                        eachline = val
                        if num == 0:
                            col_list = eachline.split(',')
                            stat = 'COPY ' + '"' + (file_p[0:-4]) + '"' + ' (' #+ ('%s,'*len(line))[:-1]+')'
                            for col in col_list:
                                if col == 'Table':
                                    col = '"' + 'Table' + '"'
                                if col.find('n') >= 0:
                                    col.replace('n', '')
                                stat = stat + col + ','
                            stat = stat[:-2] + ')' + ' FROM STDIN WITH CSV ;n'
                            eachline = stat
                    os.rename(sql_file_name_des, sql_file_name)

def insert_into_database():
    cmd = 'psql -h -d ap_MapMyIndia_full_Sample -U postgres -f %s 2>>log.txt' % (dir + 'create.sql')
    for sql_file in os.walk(dir):
        if len(sql_file[2]) >0:
            for file_p in sql_file[2]:
                print file_p
                if file_p[-3:] == 'csv' :
                    cmd = 'psql -h -d ap_MapMyIndia_full_Sample -U postgres -f %s 2>>log.txt' % (dir + '"' + file_p + '"')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #1. making mdb Contained in the file TABLE the create The script 
    #2. Modify the off create Illegal characters in the script 
    #3. will mdb The tables are exported to csv In the file 
    #4. Modify the csv The first line of the script, change copy In the form of 

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