Python of Tornado simulation login xiaomi mobile phone

  • 2020-04-02 13:13:42
  • OfStack

Today, I saw my colleagues participating in the snapping up of xiaomi. After several weeks of trying, I finally grabbed a xiaomi TV... Took a look at the xiaomi buying process, it seems that can be broken with the program. So I wanted to write something fun (you know...) , the first step is to simulate the first millet account, when the practice it.
Let's do it in Python, and since we're writing a Web application, the framework is Tornado.
The first is to define the URL of the application:

def main():
    application = tornado.web.Application([
        (r"/", MainHandler),
        (r"/mibuy/", MiBuyHandler),
    http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)

The next step is to find the data you need to post, and sniff it with Fiddler:
< img SRC = "border = 0 / / 2013101291640 ">
That is to say, the POST address is (link:
< img SRC = "border = 0 / / 201310129177 ">
The form parameters that need to be constructed are also simple (urlencoded) : passToken=& kkkrcpzodc That is:

post_data = urllib.urlencode({'passToken':'', 'user': '', 'pwd': 'password', 'callback':'', 'sid':'passport', 'qs':'%3Fsid%3Dpassport', 'hidden':'', '_sign':'KKkRvCpZoDC+gLdeyOsdMhwV0Xg='})
path = ''

Now the function can be written:

class MiBuyHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
        post_data = urllib.urlencode({'passToken':'', 'user': '', 'pwd': 'password', 'callback':'', 'sid':'passport', 'qs':'%3Fsid%3Dpassport', 'hidden':'', '_sign':'KKkRvCpZoDC+gLdeyOsdMhwV0Xg='})
        path = ''
        cookieHandle = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(cookieHandle)
        #opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Opera/9.23')]
        req = urllib2.Request(path, post_data)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        html =

How to print out the cookie, print cj directly to see the contents of the cookie.
What seem to is also very simple, it is parsing hdcontrol (URL: Callback =hdcontrol) json.

 stime: 1383645496,
 status: {
  allow: true,
  miphone: {
   hdurl: "",
   duration: null,
   hdstop: true,
   reg: true,
   pmstart: false,
   hdstart: false
  mibox: {
   hdurl: "",
   duration: null,
   hdstop: true,
   reg: true,
   pmstart: false,
   hdstart: false
  mitv: {
   hdurl: "",
   duration: null,
   hdstop: true,
   reg: false,
   pmstart: false,
   hdstart: false

When allow is true, hdurl will have a value, like? _a=20131105_phone_a212a2b30e5&_op=choose&_s=72b686828&_m=1, etc., this is the real address of the purchase, direct access to this address should not need to click the queue button. Just throw out a brick to lead a jade, know the procedure everybody should know how to do...
Just for now (November 2013), there may be some rule changes on the xiaomi side.

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