Python randomly generates instance code for the Chinese captcha

  • 2020-04-02 09:49:15
  • OfStack

Python code

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
 import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont 
 import random 
 import math, string   
 class RandomChar(): 
   """ For the random generation of Chinese characters """ 
   def Unicode(): 
     val = random.randint(0x4E00, 0x9FBF) 
     return unichr(val)   
   def GB2312(): 
     head = random.randint(0xB0, 0xCF) 
     body = random.randint(0xA, 0xF) 
     tail = random.randint(0, 0xF) 
     val = ( head << 8 ) | (body << 4) | tail 
     str = "%x" % val 
     return str.decode('hex').decode('gb2312')   
 class ImageChar(): 
   def __init__(self, fontColor = (0, 0, 0), 
                      size = (100, 40), 
                      fontPath = 'wqy.ttc', 
                      bgColor = (255, 255, 255), 
                      fontSize = 20): 
     self.size = size 
     self.fontPath = fontPath 
     self.bgColor = bgColor 
     self.fontSize = fontSize 
     self.fontColor = fontColor 
     self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.fontPath, self.fontSize) 
     self.image ='RGB', size, bgColor)   
   def rotate(self): 
     self.image.rotate(random.randint(0, 30), expand=0)   
   def drawText(self, pos, txt, fill): 
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image) 
     draw.text(pos, txt, font=self.font, fill=fill) 
     del draw   
   def randRGB(self): 
     return (random.randint(0, 255), 
            random.randint(0, 255), 
            random.randint(0, 255))   
   def randPoint(self): 
     (width, height) = self.size 
     return (random.randint(0, width), random.randint(0, height))   
   def randLine(self, num): 
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image) 
     for i in range(0, num): 
       draw.line([self.randPoint(), self.randPoint()], self.randRGB()) 
     del draw   

   def randChinese(self, num): 
     gap = 5 
     start = 0 
     for i in range(0, num): 
       char = RandomChar().GB2312() 
       x = start + self.fontSize * i + random.randint(0, gap) + gap * i 
       self.drawText((x, random.randint(-5, 5)), RandomChar().GB2312(), self.randRGB()) 
   def save(self, path): 

A method is called

 ic = ImageChar(fontColor=(100,211, 90)) 

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