The code that returns the dictionary structure when Python queries Mysql

  • 2020-04-02 09:40:45
  • OfStack

MySQLdb default query results are returned to tuple, output is not very convenient, must be read according to 0,1, inadvertently found a simple modification method on the web, is passed a cursors.
Default program:
MySQLdb default query results are returned to tuple, output is not very convenient, must be read according to 0,1, inadvertently found a simple modification method on the web, is passed a cursors. Default program:
import MySQLdb 
db = MySQLdb.connect(host = ´localhost´, user = ´root´, passwd = ´123456´, db = ´test´) 
cursor = db.cursor() 
cursor.execute(´select * from table´) 
rs = cursor.fetchall() 
print rs 

# returns something like this
# ((1000L, 0L), (2000L, 0L), (3000L, 0L))
import MySQLdb 
import MySQLdb.cursors 
db = MySQLdb.connect(host = ´localhost´, user = ´root´, passwd = ´123456´, db = ´test´,cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) 
cursor = db.cursor() 
cursor.execute(´select * from table´) 
rs = cursor.fetchall() 
print rs 

# returns something like this
# ({'age': 0L, 'num': 1000L}, {'age': 0L, 'num': 2000L}, {'age': 0L, 'num': 2000L}) or the connect and cursor parts can be replaced with the following
db = MySQLdb.connect(host = ´localhost´, user = ´root´, passwd = ´123456´, db = ´test´) 
cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) 

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