Jquery attribute selector not has how to write line hover highlighting

  • 2020-03-29 23:45:01
  • OfStack

//$("html body div table.table_list tbody tr").not(":has('td a img[src*=tj.gif]')").mouseover(function(){ 
$("html body div table.table_list tbody tr:not(':has('td a img[src*=tj.gif]')')").mouseover(function(){ 
$(this).css("backgroundColor","66CCFF");// "red" "#f8fbfd" 
var tr2=$("table.table_list tr:not(':has('td a img[src*=tj.gif]')')"); 

The code above makes all lines in a table that have not submitted images highlighted when hovering

My first question: on the BBS (link: http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390639863)

The answer is not satisfactory. Finally, learn the sharp jquery in the appendix quick reference manual to find this *= and! = contains and does not contain, respectively.

This line
var tr2=$("table.table_list tr:not(':has('td a img[src*=tj.gif]')')"); 

You can also put a function has in not because you want tr to change color instead of img to change color so you can't use tr td a img[SRC!=tj.gif]. Single quotation marks?

Here's the problem again. Tj.gif is okay without quotes.

SRC property that contains the tj.gif string?

All of them can also be written like this:
var tr2=$("table.table_list tr").not(':has('td a img[src*=tj.gif]')'); 

So I suspect that the selector in the: represents the call selector.

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