Javascript implements the number function of PHP print_r (three methods)

  • 2020-03-29 23:41:39
  • OfStack

Methods a

function print_r(theObj) {
    var retStr = '';
    if (typeof theObj == 'object') {
        retStr += '<div style="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:7pt;">';
        for (var p in theObj) {
            if (typeof theObj[p] == 'object') {
                retStr += '<div><b>['+p+'] => ' + typeof(theObj) + '</b></div>';
                retStr += '<div style="padding-left:25px;">' + print_r(theObj[p]) + '</div>';
            } else {
                retStr += '<div>['+p+'] => <b>' + theObj[p] + '</b></div>';
        retStr += '</div>';
    return retStr;

Method 2

   var jsonStr = $('#jsonData').val();
   var json = eval('('+jsonStr+')');
  var print_r = function(o, depth) {
    var result = '';
    depth || (depth=1);
    var indent = new Array(4*depth+1).join(' ');
    var indentNext = new Array(4*(depth+1)+1).join(' ');
    var indentNextTwo = new Array(4*(depth+2)+1).join(' ');
    var tmp = '';
    var type = typeof o;
    switch(type) {
   case 'string':
   case 'number':
   case 'boolean':
   case 'undefined':
   case 'function':
     tmp += indent + indentNext + o + "n";
   case 'object':
     for(var key in o) {
    tmp += indentNextTwo + '[' + key + '] = ';
    tmp += print_r(o[key], (depth+1));
    result += type + "n";
    result += indentNext + '(' + "n";
    result += tmp;
    result += indentNext + ')' + "n";
    return result;

Methods three

print_r:function(theObj) {
 var retStr = '';
 if (typeof theObj == 'object'||typeof theObj == 'array') {
  retStr += '<div style="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:7pt;">';
  for (var p in theObj) {
   if (typeof theObj[p] == 'object' || typeof theObj[p] == 'array') {
    retStr += '<div><b>['+p+'] => ' + typeof(theObj) + '</b></div>';
    retStr += '<div style="padding-left:25px;">' + XFUPLOAD.Tools.print_r(theObj[p]) + '</div>';
   } else {
    retStr += '<div>['+p+'] => <b>' + theObj[p] + '</b></div>';
  retStr += '</div>';

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