Various commonly used JS function arrangement

  • 2020-03-26 21:37:58
  • OfStack

Js gets the page address parameter
function getUrlPara(paraName) 
var sUrl = location.href; 
var sReg = "(?://?|&){1}" + paraName + "=([^&]*)" 
var re = new RegExp(sReg, "gi"); 
return RegExp.$1; 

Address the jump
var pn = $("#gotopagenum").val();//#gotopagenum is the id attribute of the text box
location.href = "NewList.aspx?pagenum="+pn;//Location.href implements a jump to the client page

Micrometer level
function Convert(money) 
var s = money; //Get the decimal data
s += ""; 
if (s.indexOf(".") == -1) s += ".00"; //If there is no decimal point, add a decimal point and 00
if (/.d$/.test(s)) s += "0"; //Regular judgment
while (/d{4}(.|,)/.test(s)) //If the conditions are met, the substitution is made
s = s.replace(/(d)(d{3}(.|,))/, "$1,$2"); //Add one every three bits
return s; 

Determine whether or not the number
function IsNumeric(txt) { 
if (txt == "") { 
return false; 

if (txt.indexOf(",") > 0) { 
txt = txt.replace(",", ""); 

if (isNaN(txt)) { 
return false; 
else { 
return true; 

Format the number into two decimal places
function changeTwoDecimal_f(x) { 
var f_x = parseFloat(x); 
if (isNaN(f_x)) { 
alert('function:changeTwoDecimal->parameter error'); 
return false; 
f_x = Math.round(f_x * 100) / 100; 
var s_x = f_x.toString(); 
var pos_decimal = s_x.indexOf('.'); 
if (pos_decimal < 0) { 
pos_decimal = s_x.length; 
s_x += '.'; 
while (s_x.length <= pos_decimal + 2) { 
s_x += '0'; 
return s_x; 

ParseFloat parseInt, Js function for number operation

Js current date yyyy-mm-dd preset query conditions
var now = new Date(); 
var year = now.getYear(); 

if (now.getYear() < 1900) { 
year = now.getYear() + 1900; 

var month = now.getMonth() + 1; 
var day = now.getDate(); 

if (month < 10) month = "0" + month; 
if (day < 10) day = "0" + day; 

$("#txtDate1").val(year.toString() + "-" + month.toString() + "-01"); 
$("#txtDate2").val(year.toString() + "-" + month.toString() + "-" + day.toString()); 

Js gets the timestamp and replaces the Guid in some cases
function NowTimeCode() 
var Result=""; 

var now = new Date(); 

var year = now.getYear(); 

if (now.getYear() < 1900) { 
year = now.getYear() + 1900; 

var month = now.getMonth() + 1; 
var day = now.getDate(); 
var hour = now.getHours(); 
var minutes = now.getMinutes(); 
var second = now.getSeconds(); 
var millisecond = now.getMilliseconds(); 

if (month < 10) month = "0" + month; 
if (day < 10) day = "0"+ day; 
if (hour < 10) hour = "0"+ hour; 
if (minutes < 10) minutes = "0"+ minutes; 
if (second < 10) second = "0"+ second; 

if (millisecond < 10) 
millisecond = "00"+ millisecond; 
if (millisecond < 100) 
millisecond = "0"+ millisecond; 

Result = year.toString() + month.toString() + day.toString() + hour.toString() + minutes.toString() + second.toString() + millisecond.toString(); 

return Result; 


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