The number of equals in javascript what's the difference between two and three

  • 2020-03-26 21:32:40
  • OfStack

An equal sign is an assignment, and the main problem is the difference between two equals and three equals.
The difference between two equals and three equals in javaScript

In short: == convert the type first and then compare, === determine the type first, if not the same type is false.
=== = is equal to, the two sides of the comparison have to be absolutely the same

Alert (0 = = ""); / / true
Alert (0 = = false); / / true
Alert (" = = false "); / / true

Alert (0 = = = ""); / / false
Alert (0 = = = false); / / false
Alert (" = = = false "); / / false

First say ===, this is relatively simple, specific comparison rules are as follows:
1. If the type is different, it is [unequal]
2. If both are numerical values and the same value, then [equal]; (! The exception is, if at least one of them is NaN, then [not equal]. (to determine whether a value isNaN, you can only use isNaN().)
3. If both are strings and the characters in each position are the same, then [equal]; Otherwise [unequal].
4. If both values are true or both values are false, then [equal].
5. If both values refer to the same object or function, then [equal]; Otherwise [unequal].
6. If both values are null or both are undefined, then [equal].

Again ==, the specific comparison rules are as follows:

1. If the two values are of the same type, make a === comparison. The comparison rule is the same as above
2. If two values are of different types, they may be equal. Type conversion and comparison according to the following rules:
A. If one is null and the other is undefined, then [equal].
B. If one is a string and the other is a number, convert the string to a number for comparison.
C. If any value is true, convert it to 1 for comparison; If either value is false, convert it to 0 for comparison.
D. If one is an object and the other is a value or string, convert the object to a value of the underlying type for comparison. Object to the underlying type, using its toString or valueOf methods. Js core built-in class, will try valueOf before toString; The exception is Date, which takes advantage of the toString transformation. Non-js core objects, let say (more trouble, I do not understand)
E. Any other combination (array, array, etc.) is [unequal].

When a person can not find a way out of the time, the best way is to do the current can do the best, no one can do.

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