Js gets or sets a small example of the current window url parameter

  • 2020-03-26 21:25:24
  • OfStack

//Gets the value of the param parameter in the current window url
function get_param(param){
    var query = location.search.substring(1).split('&');
    for(var i=0;i<query.length;i++){
        var kv = query[i].split('=');
        if(kv[0] == param){
            return kv[1];
    return null;
//Sets the value of the param in the current window url
function set_param(param,value){
    var query = location.search.substring(1);
    var p = new RegExp("(^|&"+param+")=[^&]*");
        query = query.replace(p,"$1="+value);
        location.search = '?'+query;
        if(query == ''){
            location.search = '?'+param+'='+value;
            location.search = '?'+query+'&'+param+'='+value;

Notice location.search gets the url, right? Content between start and # (including? But not #).

In the previous page-turning code, which used the above two functions

//The previous page
function page_pre(current_page,page_total){
    if(current_page <= 1 || current_page > page_total){
        return false;
    var pre_page = parseInt(current_page) - 1;
//The next page
function page_next(current_page,page_total){
    if(current_page < 1 || current_page >= page_total){
        return false;
    var next_page = parseInt(current_page) + 1;

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