Jquery next nextAll nextUntil siblings

  • 2020-03-26 21:22:50
  • OfStack

Next: an element next to $(")

NextAll: all peer elements after $(")

-leonard: not until... Before, so he says all peer elements after $("), but not the matching element itself until the nextUntil parameter

Sibings: all peer elements before and after $(")

Next is to find his younger brothers/sisters, nextAll is to find all his younger brothers/sisters, nextAll is to find his younger brothers/sisters, nextUntil is to find his younger brothers/sisters of a certain age. So the same kind of peer relationship, prev, prevAll, prevUntil

Here is the simple test code
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<h1> This is a title </h1> 
<p> This is a test</p> 
<p> This is a test</p> 
<p> This is a test</p> 
<p> This is a test</p> 
<p> This is a test</p> 
<p> This is a test</p> 

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