The fs.ftruncate method in node.js USES the instructions
- 2020-03-30 04:36:50
- OfStack
Method description:
File content interception operation.
fs.ftruncate(fd, len, [callback(err)])
Since this method belongs to the fs module, the fs module (var fs= require(" fs ")) needs to be introduced before use.
Receiving parameters:
Path The file path
Len Truncate the length, leaving only the characters within the length of the character, and the excess will be cleared.
Callback Callback, passing an exception parameter err
var fs = require('fs');
fs.ftruncate('126.txt', 2, function(err){
throw err;
console.log(' File content truncated successfully ');
fs.ftruncate = function(fd, len, callback) {
if (util.isFunction(len)) {
callback = len;
len = 0;
} else if (util.isUndefined(len)) {
len = 0;
binding.ftruncate(fd, len, makeCallback(callback));