Js USES recursion to parse XML
- 2020-03-30 04:35:22
- OfStack
XML structure:
<Item Code="New" Name=" new " GroupCode="Edit" GroupName=" The editor "/>
<Item Code="Open" Name=" Open the " GroupCode="Edit" GroupName=" The editor ">
<item Code="Word" Name="Word The document " GroupCode="CommonDocument" GroupName=" conventional "/>
<item Code="Excel" Name="Excel The document " GroupCode="CommonDocument" GroupName=" conventional "/>
<item Code="CustomDocument" Name=" Custom document " GroupCode="CustomDocument" GroupName=" The custom "/>
<Item Code="Save" Name=" save " GroupCode="Edit" GroupName=" The editor "/>
<Item Code="Exit" Name=" leave " GroupCode="Exit" GroupName=" leave "/>
Analytical method:
$(xml).find("RightMenuItems").each(function () {
this.data = Traversal($(this).children());
var Traversal = function (nodes) {
var itemList = new Array();
$.each(nodes, function () {
var entity = new RightMenuEntity();
var obj = $(this);
entity.Code = obj[0].getAttribute("Code");
entity.Name = obj[0].getAttribute("Name");
entity.GroupCode = obj[0].getAttribute("GroupCode");
entity.GroupName = obj[0].getAttribute("GroupName");
if (obj[0].hasChildNodes()) entity.ChildItems = Traversal(obj.children());
return itemList;