Js left and right suspension couplet advertising code sample

  • 2020-03-30 04:34:47
  • OfStack

A section of js around the suspension advertising code, as long as the modification of the advertising picture address and connection address, the corresponding parameters according to the page can be used under the left and right suspension advertising code


var delta=0.15
 var collection;
 function floaters() {
 this.items = ;
 this.addItem = function(id,x,y,content)
   document.write('<DIV id='+id+' style="Z-INDEX: 10; POSITION: absolute; width:80px; height:60px;left:'+(typeof(x)=='string'?eval(x):x)+';top:'+(typeof(y)=='string'?eval(y):y)+'">'+content+'</DIV>');
   var newItem  = {};
   newItem.object  = document.getElementById(id);
   newItem.x  = x;
   newItem.y  = y;
   this.items[this.items.length] = newItem;
 this.play = function()
   collection  = this.items
 function play()
  for(var i=0;i<collection.length;i++)
  var followObj = collection[i].object;
  var followObj_x = (typeof(collection[i].x)=='string'?eval(collection[i].x):collection[i].x);
  var followObj_y = (typeof(collection[i].y)=='string'?eval(collection[i].y):collection[i].y);
  if(followObj.offsetLeft!=(document.body.scrollLeft+followObj_x)) {
   var dx=(document.body.scrollLeft+followObj_x-followObj.offsetLeft)*delta;
  if(followObj.offsetTop!=(document.body.scrollTop+followObj_y)) {
   var dy=(document.body.scrollTop+followObj_y-followObj.offsetTop)*delta;
  followObj.style.display = '';
 var theFloaters = new floaters();
 theFloaters.addItem('followDiv1','document.body.clientWidth-112',230,'<a href= Left link address  target=_blank><img src= Left picture address  border=0></a>');
 theFloaters.addItem('followDiv2',12,230,'<a href= Right link address  target=_blank><img src= Right picture address  border=0></a>');

Save as *.js file, reference in the page: < Script SRC = "*. Js" > < / script> Call can, * represents you save the file name!
Note: modify the AD image address and link address! The corresponding parameters can be adjusted according to the page.

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